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Armor Games. Last. DI FM. Shockwave. Anime reviews. Subtitles to anime. Ghibli. MechWarrior Online. MWO wiki. BattleTechWiki. Battletech Universe. Official Classic Battletech Website. Battletech Wiki. Classic BattleTech logo Overview[edit] Original game[edit] Boardgame[edit] At its most basic, the game of Battletech is played on a map sheet composed of hexagonal terrain tiles.

Heat buildup is a major limiting factor of the game, and overheating a unit can have many negative effects such as penalties to weapon accuracy, slower movement, or even detonation of any ammunition carried by the Mech. Armor is tracked by body location of the mech, such as arms, legs, and multiple torso locations. Expansions[edit] The game's popularity spawned several variants and expansions to the core system, including CityTech which fleshed out urban operations, infantry and vehicle combat, AeroTech which focused on air- and space-based operations, and BattleSpace which detailed large spacecraft combat.

FASA launched two additional systems to complement the core game: BattleTroops, an infantry combat system, and BattleForce, a large-scale combat simulator governing the actions of grouped BattleTech units. Malibu. MechWarrior Tactics. Zvezda. Supplies for models. Plastic Model Kits. Mp3 downloads. On-line broadcasting. YouTube - Movies. YouTube - TV shows. YouTube downloads. YouTube downloads (explanations) Очень часто хочется сохранить просмотренное на видео у себя на компьютере.

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(c) Бонусный, 11, способ (подсказаный ) Можно еще так: Меняем youtube на kissyoutube: Скачать музыку. Massimiliano Delferro, Northwestern University. Romina's photo site. Akito Kawahara web page. Assistant Professor / Curator Florida Museum of Natural History McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity University of Florida PO Box 112710 Gainesville, FL 32611-2710 Voice mail: (352) 273-2018 E-mail: My research investigates the evolution and diversity of invertebrates, especially the butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera).

My lab integrates many approaches, including phylogenetic, behavioral, functional genomic, and biodiversity informatics. I am especially interested in understanding how transitions in behavior have shaped invertebrate diversity on both islands and continents. I also conduct higher-level phylogenetic work to improve classifications and examine evolutionary scenarios. I generally use coding regions of the genome. Many of my current projects are being conducted with a team of domestic and international collaborators. << Back to Lab Personnel. Блог Андрея Соловьева. Institute for Advanced Study, где работал Эйнштейн, обустроил возле своего кампуса небольшой лесопарк: кусочек широколиственного леса с ручьем, болотцем и проложенными тропинками. Он так и называется Institute Woods, и прогулка по этому лесу преподносилась в программе конференции как еще одно бесплатное развлечение в среду.

Woods непосредственно граничат с полем Битвы при Принстоне. Так что если бы у меня возникло желание, то я спокойно мог дойти туда самостоятельно, но организованный подвоз на автобусах от McCarter Theatre сэкономил мне полчаса: на автобусе там ехать всего 5 минут. Не я один решил выбраться на природу, но, как я уже мог заметить в предыдущие дни, на подобные экскурсии откликаются меньше 10% участников конференции. Хотя на этот раз у нас никакой экскурсии не предполагалось. Каждому выдали карту лесопарка и благословили в путь, предупредив, что у нас на все 45–50 минут и автобусы заблудившихся ждать не будут.( Читать дальшеCollapse ) Денис Малышев. Саша Кислухин. Лаборатория Фантастики. Стругацкие. Аркадий Стругацкий, Борис Стругацкий Полное Собрание сочинений в 33 томах Собрание сочинений Под общей редакцией Светланы Бондаренко и Леонида Филиппова Текстологические работы Светланы Бондаренко Издатели благодарят группу «Людены» за помощь, оказанную в подготовке настоящего собрания Борис Стругацкий.

Леонид Филиппов. Страна багровых тучИзвне Рассказы Спонтанный рефлексЧеловек из ПасифидыШесть спичекИспытание «СКИБР»Забытый экспериментЧастные предположенияЧрезвычайное происшествие Путь на Амальтею Борис Стругацкий. Полдень, XXII векСтажерыВ наше интересное время Борис Стругацкий. Попытка к бегствуДалекая РадугаТрудно быть богомПонедельник начинается в субботу: Сказка для научных сотрудников младшего возраста Рассказы Первые люди на первом плотуБедные злые люди Борис Стругацкий.

Хищные вещи векаБеспокойство (Улитка на склоне-1)Улитка на склонеВторое нашествие марсиан: Записки здравомыслящего Борис Стругацкий. Сказка о Тройке – 1Сказка о Тройке – 2Обитаемый остров Борис Стругацкий. Борис Стругацкий. Леонид Каганов. Александр Бачило. Electronic library. 50 Most Beautiful Colleges.

When choosing a college, many students overlook one of the most important factors: quality of life. At The Best Colleges one of our goals is to emphasize to students the importance of the context and learning environment in which they choose to get educated. In polling that we’ve conducted of recent college graduates, there is one thing in particular that stands out as playing a vital role in how a student perceives her last four years of education. The campus setting. And beautiful college campuses rule the day. Because students who graduate from beautiful campuses typically report higher overall satisfaction with their college experience, we decided to put together these rankings of the 50 prettiest college campuses of 2016 in the United States. 50.

Not only is the main campus of the University of Minnesota located in the “Happiest City in America” it also starts our list of the prettiest college campuses in the country. 49. 48. 47. 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. Captured America in Color 1939-1943. Posted Jul 26, 2010 Share This Gallery inShare324 These images, by photographers of the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information, are some of the only color photographs taken of the effects of the Depression on America’s rural and small town populations.

The photographs and captions are the property of the Library of Congress and were included in a 2006 exhibit Bound for Glory: America in Color. Faro and Doris Caudill, homesteaders. Pie Town, New Mexico, October 1940. Reproduction from color slide. Connecticut town on the sea. Farm auction. Children gathering potatoes on a large farm. Trucks outside of a starch factory. Headlines posted in street-corner window of newspaper office (Brockton Enterprise). Children in the tenement district. Going to town on Saturday afternoon. Chopping cotton on rented land near White Plains. Barker at the grounds at the state fair.

Backstage at the "girlie" show at the state fair. At the Vermont state fair. Couples at square dance. House. 100 фотофактов об Японии. Продолжаем рубрику “Пост из прошлого”: Никаких туристических открыток, только наблюдения. (Всего 101 фото + 8 видео) Источник: ЖЖ/valkorn 1) Большую часть 9,5-часового перелета лайнер находится в России — то есть ты уже и поужинал, и три фильма посмотрел, и поспал, и позавтракал, а на экране в спинке кресла: «ближайший населенный пункт — Дальнегорск». 2) По маршруту Narita Express запустили составы cерии E259. Раньше из аэропорта в Токио возили на поездах 1991 года разработки (Е253), выглядели они менее брутально. 3) Роуминг есть, интернет есть. 4) Посетителей любых учреждений, музеев, ресторанов, гостиниц и других общественных мест встречают бутыли с дезинфицирующим раствором — руки мыть. 5) Городская архитектура в целом невзрачна и сугубо утилитарна. 6) ...что в торговых кварталах. 7) На славящемся своими видами курорте Хаконэ понатыканы гостиницы одна уродливее другой.

Петр Вайль: «Токио — один из самых внешне непривлекательных городов на Земле. 8) Борются с курением на улицах. 40) Или так. Tsunami Japan videos. Москва сырокопченая. Небольшая прогулка по ночной Москве, окутавшейся в дым от горящих торфяников...Хоть дышать и нечем, зато какой красивый свет! Shampoo Science. What is in Shampoo? Effect of pH on Hair Cuticles Other Shampoo Components References Thomas Clausen, Annette Schwan-Jonczyk, Günther Lang, Werner Schuh, Klaus Dieter Liebscher, Christian Springob, Michael Franzke, Wolfgang Balzer, Sonja Imhoff, Gerhard Maresch, Rudolf Bimczok, Hair Preparations in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Vol. 17, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2006, pp. 203–247.

DOI: 10.1002/14356007.a12_571.pub2 All Clever Pictures. 16 Things Russians Do That Americans Might Find Weird. Funny scientific quotes. Video Game Wallpapers. World Art. Funny Cat Pictures. Funny Dogs and Cats Pictures. << Cute Puppies and Cute Kittens | Funny Animal Pictures >> Cute and Funny Dogs and Cats Pics More Funny Dog and Cat Pictures: Playing Cat covering dog’s eyes with paws Guess Who? Cat Attack We couldn’t resist re-posting these funny flash clip of kittens attacking Come on. Yeah, I can walk! Mommy, the diaper monster is attacking me again! Cat and Kitten sleeping in sink Oh, hi… Hope you don’t mind, but we found your cat door, and just thought we’d make ourselves at home.

Pic of sad Kitten getting shower I, I thought you loved me. Siamese Kitten enjoying playing on a computer Oh my God! Very Cute, playing kittens touching paws I love dancing to this song! Cute dog and cat poster Cute Sleeping puppies So they all rolled over and one fell off, there were four in the bed and the little one said “Roll over. Cute dog poking his head out from hole in building Pssst. Next page » Page Topic: Funny Dogs and Cats Pics Comments Section: Cute Kittens, Puppies & Baby Animals. Deanna's webinar. Deanna Ratnikova APS Kimberly Short UCLA Thursday, February 16, 20113:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EST About the Webinar APS Meetings are a great place to network, and networking is one of the most powerful tools for advancing your career. Deanna Ratnikova Deanna Ratnikova, Women and Education Programs Administrator for the American Physical Society, gives networking skills and advice.

Kimberly Short Kimberly Short, first year graduate student at UCLA, moderates the discussion. Webinar Slides Slides of Presentation Webinar Video Networking at APS Meetings (YouTube) PLEASE NOTE: Due to a technical error during the presentation, there is approximately one minute of silence in the video. Sex positions. Shirts for Firefox. Passphrase (good passwords) Security[edit] Considering that the entropy of written English is less than 1.1 bits per character,[2] passphrases can be relatively weak. NIST has estimated that the 23 character passphrase "IamtheCapitanofthePina4" contains a 45 bit-strength. The equation employed here is:[3] 4 bits (1st character) + 14 bits (characters 2–8) + 18 bits (characters 9–20) + 3 bits (characters 21–23) + 6 bits (bonus for upper case, lower case, and alphanumeric) = 45 bits (It is not clear whether or not this calculation takes into account that this is a well-known quote from a widely-known operetta.) Using this guideline, to achieve the 80-bit strength recommended for high security (non-military) by NIST, a passphrase would need to be 58 characters long, assuming a composition that includes uppercase and alphanumeric.

There is room for debate regarding the applicability of this equation, depending on the number of bits of entropy assigned. Compared to passwords[edit] Passphrases differ from passwords. How to choose a safe password. Choosing more secure passwords will help keep your identity safe on the internet. This article and the companion video will show you how to create secure, easy-to-remember passwords. You can create a more secure password by starting with a simple phrase. For example, let's use a quote from Ogden Nash: "Happiness is having a scratch for every itch. " If we use the first letter of each word, and substitute 4 for "for", we get: Hihas4ei This is a reasonably strong password but we can improve it a bit by adding some special characters: #Hihas4ei: We can use our new password on several different websites by adding a prefix or suffix with a mnemonic link to a particular site. Just to add a bit more randomness we'll alternate upper-case and lower case, and if the first character in the site name is a vowel we'll start with upper-case.

#Hihas4ei:AmZ for AmazonfCb#Hihas4ei: for Facebook#Hihas4ei:YtB for YouTubedRm#Hihas4ei: for Drumbeat Take a moment to think of a phrase that's meaningful to you. Military Alphabet. Windows 7 themes - Microsoft Windows UK.