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Antropologia. Psicoanalisi. Semiotica. EmotionalCartographyLow.pdf. On Profanation of Interfaces and Technological Embodiment. Interfaces are all-pervading and their ability to enhance our communication and lives creates an almost religious devotion to technology. The ability to grant an instant gratification and expand our mind puts technology on the same level as drugs: highly addictive, could be dangerous in high dosage, very helpful and sometimes mind-blowing when consumed moderately. My proposition, drawing upon the ideas of Agamben, Foucault, and Kurzwell, is to de-sacralise what we’ve learned so far from using the interfaces and to make it profane. Let’s embody the interfaces and bring the magic into the everyday life to allow the free reign of polysingularity.

Interface is a point where two systems meet and interact. While the body is still the primary interface for human beings, many artificial interfaces are increasingly present in our everyday interactions with the environment. Therefore, interfaces are the power devices that create their own subjects. References: Agamben, G (2006). Psychology News. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology – Deborah L. Best, Wake Forest University, is now editor as of July 1 Having studied developmental psychology for more than 40 years, Deborah Best is an expert in human development and early childhood.

As an authority in some of the most controversial topics in parenting, psychology and education today, Best can discuss gender roles in childhood and adolescence, cross-cultural views on co-sleeping, age-related changes in memory, the development of sex stereotypes and cognitive and social development. Her research has ranged from cognitive development during the preschool and primary school years – including age-related changes in memory and the effects of memory training – to cross-cultural comparisons of public social behaviors of men and women. The Qualitative Report - Volume 17(46)

Berlin_florenz. Theoretical Psychology - Classic Readings: Four-Volume Set: Henderikus J Stam: 9781849207720.

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Psy metodi. QDA. Intelligenza, pensiero creativo, metodi. 100 Things Personality Test - VisualDNA. VisualDNA brings a new layer of information to the world of technology that will help bring it closer to the people who use it – making it more enjoyable and relevant. Technology provides businesses with a surfeit of DATA – what and when. However it provides very little in the way of UNDERSTANDING – who did things, and why they did them. We see this effect in all areas of business from marketing to financial services. Despite all the targeting and site metrics, digital marketing isn’t getting any more effective. And despite all the data gathering there’s a limit to what credit histories can tell financial services about customers and potential customers. We have a different approach.

In the financial sector this approach has led to a five-fold increase in ROI, in media we have seen 35% improvement in click rates. Watch a short video about VisualDNA. Learn more about our solutions for business: Social Psychology Network. Controvento - Kahneman, paternalista libertario. Ho appena finito di recensire l’ultimo libro di Daniel Kahneman Thinking, fast and slow per il Domenicale. Aggiungo due aspetti che – sebbene marginali nell’economia del libro – mi sembrano di notevole interesse.

Il primo riguarda il modo in cui lo psicologo israeliano e premio Nobel per l’economia descrive il proprio processo di scoperta quando a Gerusalemme, negli anni Settanta, con il suo amico di una vita Amos Tversky gettava le basi per uno dei programmi di ricerca più innovativi e fertili di sempre. Paul Krugman (altro Nobel) ha scritto che non si può fare seriamente economia (e probabilmente nessun'altra scienza) se non si è disposti a giocare. Ecco come si divertiva la premiata Tversky&Kahneman: Il modo in cui facevamo ricerca era una conversazione in cui inventavamo domande e insieme esaminavamo le risposte intuitive…. la prima che ci venisse in mente…. ogni domanda era un piccolo esperimento. I nudges Scrivi un commento CATEGORIE: cultura, economia, filosofia, Scienza. Psychology. ARISBE: THE PEIRCE GATEWAY: Home Page of the International Peirce Telecommunity.

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