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10 Shapes for Your Eyeshadow. This article is especially for those of you who may feel stuck with your everyday makeup look and desire to branch out, but just can’t seem to figure out the best way to do it. Whether you are new to makeup, or a pro, we hope you find these ten eyeshadow shapes useful! Highlights: Makeup is, after all, just a trick of the light. By highlighting certain areas, you can easily create the illusion of a brighter eye. My favorite sweet spots to highlight are the inner corner of the eye, the center of the eyelid, and along the brow bone. Different Eyeshadow Shapes: There are countless ways for one to use eyeshadows. Bust out the box and experiment with a new eye shape today! Inner Corner: Add a darker shadow to the inside of the lid. Outer Corner: Adding dark shades to the outer corner of the lid is flattering to most eye shapes, but particularly for those with close set eyes.

Both Corners: This is a great shape for all, as it compliments most eye shapes. Outer Corner, “Cat Shape”: Banana: Whole Lid: Makeup Mon...errr Tuesday: Green Eyes. First, I know it's Tuesday and I'm predictably late with Makeup Monday. I hope the lack of alliteration doesn't detract from the post; I promise that I have lots of great excuses for not putting this up yesterday. Or, I fell asleep. One of my first forays into the wonderful world of bright eyeshadow was with a beautiful shade of green from Milani (whose older shadows were amazing), and I was forever hooked. Green has since become the most popular color in my rather large makeup collection, though I can't remember the last time I gave them a proper spotlight.

For this look, I only used the dark green in the palette, Libertine, and the primer potion. For step by step instructions on how to achieve this look, continue reading after the jump! This will make the colors pop and keep them from creasing. I used the MAC 213 brush with UD Vert e/s, but you can use any comparable brush and bright green shadow. I used the MAC 275 brush and UD Libertine from the black palette. Breaking Down Beauty: Fixing Broken Powder Cosmetics « Painted Ladies. By Sheila Arkee So, you have a favorite eyeshadow, pressed powder, or blush you absolutely cannot live without. Life happens, and sometimes before you even realize it, you find yourself the owner of your favorite product, smashed into 5 million little pieces.

When your powder cosmetics are broken into 5 million pieces, you can always put them in a small container and use as a loose shadow, but you DO have the option of fixing the products so it’s almost as good as new. It’s easy! I mean it! You’ll thank me! The only extra product you’ll need is Rubbing Alcohol that you can get from any old drugstore. Here is a lovely L’Oreal H.I.P. #319 eyeshadow that was sadly broken upon arrival. Step 1: Dump the shadow into a small bowl. Step 2: Use the back of a brush to crush the shadow into a fine powder. Step 3: I used the cap to my rubbing alcohol as a measurement and poured it into the container with the shadow. My assistant insisted on helping out. Step 7: All set! How To Create A Simple Brown Smoky Eye Makeup Tutorial.

Since you guys wanted to see more step-by-step tutorials, I will be doing a series of makeup tutorials starting with one of my favorite looks, smoky eyes. One thing I LOVE about the smoky look is how versatile it is. You can use pretty much any color and you can go from a soft smoky to a really dramatic one. My favorite colors to use on my brown eyes are purples, blues, greens, bronzes and charcoals.

In my tutorial below, I used golds and browns but feel free to substitute them with other colors. Step 1. What I Used: NARS Pro Prime Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base Step 2. What I Used: MAC Chilled On Ice Paint Pot Step 3. What I Used: NARS Eyeshadow Duo in Cordura Step 4. What I Used: NARS Eyeshadow Duo in Cordura Step 5. Step 6. What I Used: MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack Step 7. What I Used: MAC Eyeshadow in Pollen Step 8.

What I Used: Rimmel London Lash Accelerator in Extreme Black; Makeup For Life Lashes in #Hugs ‘n Kisses Step 9. What I Used: Rimmel London Lash Accelerator in Extreme Black. Best Cosmetics, Beauty Tips, Makeup Tips, Skin Care Advice, Cosmetics.