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Breaking Down Beauty: Fixing Broken Powder Cosmetics « Painted Ladies

Breaking Down Beauty: Fixing Broken Powder Cosmetics « Painted Ladies
By Sheila Arkee So, you have a favorite eyeshadow, pressed powder, or blush you absolutely cannot live without. Life happens, and sometimes before you even realize it, you find yourself the owner of your favorite product, smashed into 5 million little pieces. When your powder cosmetics are broken into 5 million pieces, you can always put them in a small container and use as a loose shadow, but you DO have the option of fixing the products so it’s almost as good as new. It’s easy! I mean it! The only extra product you’ll need is Rubbing Alcohol that you can get from any old drugstore. Here is a lovely L’Oreal H.I.P. #319 eyeshadow that was sadly broken upon arrival. Step 1: Dump the shadow into a small bowl. Step 2: Use the back of a brush to crush the shadow into a fine powder. Step 3: I used the cap to my rubbing alcohol as a measurement and poured it into the container with the shadow. I used a wooden stirrer that I had lying around, but you can use a spoon or anything you want.

Glowing Bubbles - How to Make Glowing Bubbles Bubbles are already awesome, but glowing bubbles are even better. It is easy and safe to make bubbles glow, plus it doesn't require any hard-to-find materials. Here is what you do. Glowing Bubble Materials bubble solutionglow in the dark solution (can use washable glow paint or can make glow solution) bubble wand Make Glowing BubblesMix bubble solution with glow solution. The only 'trick' is making sure you have enough bubble solution to make strong bubbles and enough glowing solution to get a good glow.

How To Put Your Hair Up In A Cute Bun Comb your hair carefully to eliminate any tangles or knots.Take some hair from the top of your head. 3. Tie off this hair with a hair elastic. 4. Don't pull off the ends. 50 Uses for Vaseline This is one of my favorite products from Vaseline, their Vitalizing Gel Body Oil. I keep it by the tub, and use it on my wet body before I dry off. It leaves you totally smooth and very nice and moisturized without being greasy (after a very few minutes anyway). Traditional Beauty Tips Everyone hates being told, “I told you so,” and most women also hate thinking their mother was right. However, on stepping upon the threshold of thirty, and with my South Asian mother now in her early sixties, I can’t help but notice that on a good day, she looks not more than maybe only five or ten years older. And with each wrinkle, thinned out skin or spot I notice, I hear her quite literally echoing voice telling me “I told you so.” So what was it exactly that she used to always harp on about while growing up? Quite simply: endless beauty tips that at that time seemed to have been carved on stone tablets alongside Moses’ Ten Commandments.

Wake Up Gorgeous image: Getty Sometimes looking in the mirror first thing in the morning can be… challenging. Messy hair, dark circles, puffy face. Black, White and Pink Zebra Striped Party Theme for Tween Girls My daughter is turning 11 this month so I have been planning her party. She has decided she really wants a zebra striped theme. Oh, and with a touch of pink, too. A friend of mine is going to make her a zebra striped cake and I will post the pictures here when the party is done, but here’s what I’m thinking so far. (update – see the pictures of the zebra striped cake) I created the invitation – feel free to print it out for your own party.

The All-Time Best Drugstore Makeup Guess what? Sometimes the drugstore makeup that you read fantastic reviews of in fashion magazines actually sucks and the writer raving about it didn't love it at all -- or even try it! It's on that magazine page because it's a new launch from the company who "bought" the back cover, being endorsed by the actress with the symmetrical face and the squeaky-clean reputation. (FACT: Beauty companies rarely go with an edgy spokeswoman no matter how huge her celebrity, because it hurts the brand when she's inevitably photographed looking puffy and hung over with a cigarette in her mouth, then ridiculed accordingly by Perez Hilton.) In a recent past life, I was one of those magazine editors. Sometimes I lied.

DIY - MAKE YOUR OWN WAX FOR HAIR REMOVAL I was chatting with someone on my flight back from my vacation. She lived in another country where salons are hard to come by or if they are around, they aren't very good. So, sometimes a girl has got to depend on herself. You can make one on your own so easily. So when I described it to her, she loved it and she said I just have to put it up online. So here goes: How to: 8 different home facials Facials are a great way to keep your skin glowing, but they can be pricey. We asked Louisa Macan-Graves, author of Hollywood Beauty Secrets: Remedies to the Rescue, and Elda Argenti, owner of the Plantogen skincare line, for their favorite make-at-home face masks crafted from common household ingredients. For All Skin Types Brighten: Cut a slice of ripe papaya and remove the seeds and pulp (save the pulp for a snack later—it’s great for digestion). Rub the inside of the papaya peel on your cleansed face, focusing on lines around the mouth and eyes, crow’s feet, thinning temples, neck and hands. Let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with tepid water.

Mommy Medicine: Treating sore, cracked and stinky feet SALT LAKE CITY — The world of health and medicine can be confusing to many parents. But Nurse Suzy is here to help clarify some of the issues that are important to you and your family. This week's question: Do you have any easy suggestions for cracked heels? Answer: Because of the footwear we use, it is very easy to get cracked heels during the summer months. what to do, what to do I had resolved to not make any more cupcakes until I lost 5 pounds. And then it snowed. And I've been stuck in the house with kids for three days. So I broke my resolution. Happily. Thanks to YOU and you (no longer working) for helping me (you can find the recipe by following the links, click on the word "you").

Homemade Hair Treatments - At-Home Hair Repair at Eggs, yogurt and honey are, at first glance, all components of a tasty breakfast—but they also happen to be hair treatment ingredients, and affordable, all-natural ones at that. And they're not the only ones. Did you know, for instance, that the oils in avocados more closely resemble our own skin's oils than any product in the beauty aisle does? Or that the mild acidity in lemon is an effective—and gentler—alternative to chemical-laden products? Next time your locks need a lift, save money by using one of these kitchen fixes. For All Hair Types

An Easy DIY Lipstick Palette — Product Girl August 28th, 200822 Comments Have too many lipsticks and want a better option to carry them around? Jenbabae from the Makeup Alley forums has an easy do-it-yourself lipstick palette you can do at home. All you need is your favorite lip balms or lipsticks, a palette with however many wells you would like (you can find some great empty palettes at Japonesque), 1 teaspoon stainless steel measuring spoon, floss and flame. With that, you can achieve this:
