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Food For Thought: Good And Evil. This is a community post, untouched by our editors. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: A Native American Chief was once asked to speak about the battle between good and evil. He chose a metaphor to relay his message. He said that inside each person are two dogs. The one I feed. SERIES: Food For Thought. 10 Brainteasers to Test Your Mental Sharpness. To test your mental acuity, answer the following questions (no peeking at the answers!) : 1. Johnny’s mother had three children. The first child was named April. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Okay, some of these are a bit corny. Thanks to the way our brain works, we have a very strong tendency to see what we want to see and what we expect to see. When we only see what we want or expect to see, we miss competitive threats because our brain tells us a threat couldn’t possibly come from that direction.

Our brain doesn’t like information gaps, so we tend to jump at the first answer/solution that looks good rather than take the time to examine all the data. For example, how did you answer question #1 (be honest)? And what about the man with the wooden leg? Perhaps the best example of how we miss things is the egg yolk question. We can’t change how the brain works – at least not yet. Get in the habit of teasing your brain. See also: Broadcast Yourself. Google Street View Becomes 'Google Shoot View' in Unsettling Mashup.

Angry Birds Dress Shocks Fashion World. Angry Birds has made its way into fashion before with the introduction of t-shirts and accessories, but the wife of a Rovio executive is taking the brand to a whole new level with an off-the-shoulder ballroom gown that pays tribute to the widely popular game. Teija Vesterbacka – who is married to Peter, CMO of the company that created the game – wore an Angry Birds dress to an event on Tuesday night at the Finnish Presidential Palace to celebrate Finland’s independence. The red dress features the iconic face of one of the Angry Birds characters. SEE ALSO: Angry Birds Cookbook Finally Revealed News of the look made its way onto Twitter and was met with a mixture of reactions, as some called it "epic" while others were "disgusted. " "Sooooo glad my husband didn't create 'Angry Birds.' Quelle horreur!

Meanwhile, Twitter user @sircoolio said the following: "Love this! Angry Birds has taken the game market by storm since it first debuted in December 2009. What do you think of the dress? Minesweeper 3D: Download. 36 Jaw-Dropping Nature Photos. Nette Kettenreaktion - Lustige Bilder, Videos und Witze. Picturetweet: #Picturetweet: Angry birds... Facebook. Share photos and videos on Twitter. Top 5 AC/DC Christmas Lights Displays. Outdoor Christmas lights displays synchronized to rock ‘n’ roll have been popular since an enterprising electrical engineer in Mason, Ohio, hooked up thousands of them outside his house and set them to the tune ‘Wizards in Winter’ by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. In 2005, a YouTube video capturing the display became a viral hit — it’s since snagged 11 million views — and that same year a Miller Lite beer commercial featuring that song set to a massive lights display made it a downright cultural phenomenon.

Since then, rock fans the world over have been stringing up lights outside their homes and setting the flickering shows to various different bands, with AC/DC a popular option. With that in mind, we share you videos of 5 AC/DC Christmas Lights Displays. 'Thunderstruck' is one of later-era AC/DC's more popular tunes, and one of the band's most popular when it comes to Christmas lights displays. There must be something about 'Thunderstruck' that screams "Christmas lights display! " Champs-Élysées | Arc de Triomphe" by Nick De Clercq. Premium Canvas Starting at just $99 Buy Now Framed Print Starting at just $89 Buy Now Acrylic Starting at just $149 Buy Now. U.S. Protests Mexi-Canadian Overpass. WASHINGTON, DC—After nearly nine years of construction, the Mexi-Canadian Overpass, the controversial $4.3 trillion highway overpass linking Guadalupe and Winnipeg, was finally completed last week, drawing harsh criticism from U.S. citizens and officials alike.

Chrétien and Fox at the official unveiling. "If you're a Mexican who regularly commutes to Canada, or vice-versa, this is great. But what about all of us poor Americans caught in the middle? " said Dallas resident Tom Hitchner, one of an estimated 850,000 U.S. citizens forced to evacuate their homes to make room for concrete supports for the 1,600-mile, 18-lane overpass. "We just recently installed beautiful picture windows in our home," said Fargo, ND, resident Judy Renata, whose house is situated beneath the overpass. In addition to facilitating trade between Mexico and Canada, the overpass is expected to increase tourism in both nations by as much as 60 percent. The New Overpass Map. The Canada Party - "Meet The Canada Party" Share photos and videos on Twitter. If books came after games. A DRAMATIC SURPRISE ON A QUIET SQUARE. What We Know Now About How to Be Happy - Atlantic Mobile. Recent science has shown how important our minds are to our bodies, but they also reveal how difficult it is to define and promote happiness. skippyjon/Flickr Every day there are new studies linking our mental health to our physical health.

Our moods or mental states - positive, neutral, negative - seem to be related to the risk of disease, and indeed, our likelihood of death. Just last month, for example, a study reported that cardiovascular health is significantly better in people who report being happier. On one level, there is an obvious explanation to the phenomenon: Happy people are more likely to engage in the healthy behaviors - exercise and eating right - that lead to good hearts in the first place. Are "happy" people set up differently to begin with? Psychologists have debated for a while about whether happiness and unhappiness are two sides of the same coin, or whether they're unique entities.

But what is happiness in the first place? Do Definitions Matter? The Most Poetic Idea in the Universe. This is a community post, untouched by our editors. If a star dies in the universe, does its supernova make a noise? Tweet Share One is perpetually in a state of unknowing. It is an unavoidable, inescapable, unfortunate and fortunate truth regarding one’s mind. Unfortunate because its implication is the fact that in the quest for complete knowledge, one will never get there. Fortunate because without it one would never start. There are no words that can sufficiently describe the ridiculous enormity of the cosmos—of space.

The size of the universe cannot be overstated. Crop of Hubble Ultra Deep Field. You are stardust. There is an overarching disrespect and lack of appreciation for astronomical phenomena throughout much of humanity, which is unfortunate but not entirely unpredictable. The massive star Eta Carinae, surrounded by an emission nebula as it outshines its own gravity. You are stardust. Cosmic Dust. And so you are stardust of this supernova. The element iodine. Beer Quiz Q&A: Calories, Health Benefits, Guidelines, and More. WORLD RECORD: Felix Baumgartner's freefall from 128k' high - Red Bull Stratos - Full Space Jump.