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Devopsanywhere. Continuous Delivery in the Cloud Case Study for the Sea to Shore Alliance - Introduction (part 1 of 6) | Continuous Delivery | Build Automation | Agile Software Delivery. We help companies deliver software reliably and repeatedly using Continuous Delivery in the Cloud. With Continuous Delivery (CD), teams can deliver new versions of software to production by flattening the software delivery process and decreasing the cycle time between an idea and usable software through the automation of the entire delivery system: build, deployment, test, and release. CD is enabled through a delivery pipeline. With CD, our customers can choose when and how often to release to production. On top of this, we utilize the cloud so that customers can scale their infrastructure up and down and deliver software to users on demand. Stelligent offers a solution called Elastic Operations which provides a Continuous Delivery platform along with expert engineering support and monitoring of a delivery pipeline that builds, tests, provisions and deploys software to target environments – as often as our customers choose.

The Jenkins Stack The Manatee Stack Tool: AWS EC2What is it? Continuous Deployment with Capistrano and Jenkins – Blog – isotope|eleven. So we just launched our new site. I figured this was as good a time as any to finally get our ducks in a row vis-a-vis continous deployment. Since this is the sort of thing that a lot of people have to deal with, I figured I'd publish a blog post explaining how we took care of it. Continuous Integration isotope|eleven uses Jenkins for our continous integration server.

Continuous Deployment Jenkins is pretty flexible, and so when it came time to do continous deployment I decided to use Jenkins to handle it. Setting up the deploy job To get started, I built a new job in Jenkins. Finally, I set it to notify me in the event of a failure. Setting up deploy without intervention At this point, I can click the 'Build Now' button to kick off the deploy, but it's going to complain about passwords. So now the button works and it will deploy without intervention, but I want to kick off this job after a successful run of our tests so that it will deploy each time we push new code to the deploy branch.


Why the juju charm store will change the way you use Ubuntu Server - Jorge's Stompbox. Yikes, quite a statement! For the past 6 months we’ve been travelling around conferences talking about juju and charms. We’ve had charm schools and training events, but it’s been difficult to explain to people the differences between service orchestration and configuration management, especially with a tool that wasn’t so complete.

Thanks to the work for some volunteers though, we’ve managed to have 58 charms available in Ubuntu so far. But to you that means nothing because we haven’t made it easy to get this stuff, until now. Today the juju charm store landed and it will monumentally change the way you use Ubuntu Server in 12.04. Now that this is in place I can hopefully show you by example on why juju is awesome. In this post I want to talk more about policy than juju itself. You start by picking a service, and then deploying it: juju bootstrap juju deploy zookeeper juju expose zookeeper juju goes off and fires up an instance, installs zookeeper, and configures it.

The new new archive. Jamtur01/splunk.


Continuous Deployment of iOS Apps with Jenkins and TestFlight. I thought it was about time I should put together a simple guide on using Jenkins to build your iOS application – and for those of us that use the awesome website for managing our iOS app distribution for testing, I have included details on creating a Jenkins job to publish the latest successful artifact to . Getting Started I assume that anyone wanting to try this tutorial out already has an iPhone developer account with Apple and an iOS Xcode environment already setup. The Sample iOS Project I have created a simple iOS project that you can download from github @ . This project has 2 targets one for the app and the other to execute our unit tests. The project will try to use whatever default provisioning profile you have installed for “iPhone Developer”.

Installing the XCode plugin for Jenkins / Hudson Install the Git plugin for Jenkins / Hudson Ruby will need to be installed wherever the job is going to run. Jenkins Best Practices. Continuous Integration (CI) with automated test execution and trends has changed the way companies look at Build Management, Release Management, Deployment Automation, and Test Orchestration. This section describes Jenkins best practices in order to provide executives, business managers, software developers and architects a better sense of what Jenkins can contribute throughout the project lifecycle. This best practice is around authenticating users and enforcing access control on a Jenkins instance In the default configuration, Jenkins does not perform any security checks.

This means any person accessing the website can configure Jenkins and jobs, and perform builds. While this configuration is normally acceptable for intranet use and quick setup, it introduces high security risks, like someone accidentally deleting your build jobs, reconfiguring your job to run every minute, kicking off too many builds at the same time, reconfiguring your build instance, etc. 'Nuff said.

Continuous Deployment with Capistrano and Jenkins – Blog – isotope|eleven. | Opscode. DevOps Reactions. By yreactions by undermythumblr by @uaiHebert by Leprosy by @uaiHebert by @uaihebert by Oski.

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The Sober Build Engineer. My grandmother passed away last week. She was 85. Due to a series of poor choices1, compounded by the geriatric randomness, her last few weeks were spent in a county nursing facility. So the platitudes we all hear2 about “being in a better place now” are most certainly true. When I look back upon time spent with her, I can safely say she was one of the few3 souls I’ve known with any familiarity or emotional intimacy whom I’d considered tortured. Of course, being a teenager during the prime years of World War II4 left her with scars I can’t begin to fathom. In the aggregate, she did the best with the skills she was afforded, in the environment she was dealt, in the cultural context of the era she landed in. And I understand and empathize with that. Alas, she spent most of her retirement years searching for solace from those demons.

That’s probably one of the lessons I’ve learned from her that I’m most grateful for5. That girlfriend that broke up with you? Code as Craft.