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Explainer Videos. Tech. Youtube. Can Product Videos Increase Conversion Rates? If a picture is worth a thousand words, a product video could very well be worth a thousand sales.

Can Product Videos Increase Conversion Rates?

Considering that video now appears in 70% of the top 100 search results listings, and that viewers are anywhere from 64-85% more likely to buy after watching a product video – this is one marketing force you can’t afford to ignore. Here’s why: Online video marketing has finally come of age. We no longer have to deal with a glut of sluggish connections, incompatible technologies or bland commercials begging for our business. These days, smart companies and innovative entrepreneurs are turning the online broadcast medium into a communications cornucopia: a two-way street of give-and-take. How Well Does Online Video Convert?

The great thing about online video is that people vastly prefer watching over reading (just consider the last time you watched the news versus reading a newspaper!) StacksAndStacks shoppers who watch videos are 144% more likely to buy than those who saw no video Action Steps. An SEO's Guide to Video Hosting and Embedding. I’m frequently asked: “How should I host my videos for SEO purposes?

An SEO's Guide to Video Hosting and Embedding

Is it better to use YouTube, Vimeo or third party hosting?” My response to this question is invariably terse, along the lines of "it depends on the style of your content and what you want to achieve with it". Each situation calls for a nuanced approach, defined by the marketing aims of the company and the audience base the content will appeal to. All hosting solutions have their own set of advantages and disadvantages - making each suitable for different aspects of SEO and Inbound marketing: In this post, I’m going to outline the core of four different approaches I normally recommend to clients, defining the basics of the appropriate technical implementation and the types of content required for each approach.

These purposes do sometimes overlap, so i think it’s better viewed as a classic venn: This is by far the most common purpose for video that i come across. Content Type Length Style Location Hosting Embedding. When Video Met Email. Here’s a little secret: we love it when new people learn about Wistia by watching one of our videos.

When Video Met Email

We like it so much that we decided to give it a name -- we call it “Inbound Marketing” (jk, HubSpot already claimed that term, but we’re pretty sure they stole it from us). Visit the Wistia Learning Center. Find more video marketing and production resources. Okay, so it’s not a new idea, but the question is, how can we get great content in front of these new people? Videobloggers make millions through online content.

19 September 2011Last updated at 23:59 By Matt Danzico and Ellie Stanton BBC News, Washington Online video content creators are now making significant amounts of money from a myriad of websites Since the explosion of streaming video several years ago, hosting sites have become home to a crop of young video makers attracting devoted followings for everything from music and sketch comedy to make-up tips.

Videobloggers make millions through online content

Meanwhile, online video has become a career for thousands of video creators, with some making hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. And in an uncertain job market, many are finding ways to cash in on the opportunities afforded by web video. As online video viewership has grown - YouTube reportedly draws 500 million unique visitors each month - marketers hope to take advantage of the dedicated audiences and low barriers to entry. Six-figure incomes YouTube, for one, has distributed millions of dollars in advertising revenue to its 20,000 most popular amateur producers since 2007. Learning the importance of video in SEO [Video] CEO of ReelSEO answers Ken McGaffin's questions on how video has impacted on the world of SEO.

Learning the importance of video in SEO [Video] reported that in January 2012, 181 million US internet users watched nearly 40 billion videos online. That’s 84.4% of the US internet audience. It’s impossible for any online marketer or SEO to ignore this audience - you need to know how video works and how to optimize video for search engines. That’s something that Mark Robertson saw back in 2006. He couldn’t find any single resource to give him answers to all his questions about video and SEO - so he decided to create it. now publishes a massive amount of information and insight into the world of video and makes the information freely available. Wordtracker decided to catch up with Mark to hear just what he had to say about video and SEO. Why every SEO needs to get started now! To get started, just click on the video below ... Learn how to make amazing web video Wordtracker recently launched “Videotastic!
