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Responsive Design

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OOCSS & RWD - Andrew Hathaway. Adopting an object oriented approach to developing a website is something that many people are starting to do. The object oriented way of writing CSS and using more classes in your HTML produces efficient, less-repetitive code with a higher level consistency throughout the site. Harry Roberts spoke about Breaking Good Habits which is a great introduction to OOCSS.

Responsive Web Design goes hand in hand with OOCSS. Adopting the object oriented technique to CSS whilst creating a responsive site causes your site to be more consistent when it comes to viewport size changes and also makes development of page structure and how an element adapts on a viewport changes a lot easier. Background At work I was starting our first rather large responsive site. The pages on this website were columned.

I also added some modifiers to the col class, left and right. Adding the OOCSS approach to RWD I wrote what I like to call reactor classes. The first reactor class I wrote was stacked. Andrew H. Brett Jankord – You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means. I like to stay on top of cutting edge web design and development practices. I have a few keyword searches on Twitter I like to check daily for new articles on this and that, though one trend that really has caught my attention recently is seeing more and more authors writing about techniques like mobile first, adaptive web design, and RESS and many others terms with what seems to be a misconception of these terms. From articles talking about mobile first with no mention of Luke Wroblewski to articles explaining adaptive web design as RESS.

By no means I am all knowing of this terminology either, though I thought I could help clear some confusion by sharing insight to the origins of where some of these new terms came from. My hope in this, is that it will result in more accurate articles which, would ideally, result in a better understanding of these techniques for a wider range of readers.

Progressive Enhancement fault tolerance. Responsive Web Design Coined by Mobile-First Coined by. Responsive Design for Dummies | Bronco - Search Optimisation & Web Design Agency. At Bronco we work hard to keep up with the big changes in our industry and adopt those that are of benefit to our clients. Last year saw the rise of a new method of designing and building websites; this process has been named Responsive Web Design (RWD). While most active web designers have an understanding of what responsive web design is, it’s not something that is so well known outside our community. So for those outside the bubble here’s an explanation of the basics. But first some fun The best way to explain what responsive web design is, is to simply show you. The image below shows our website as seen on different devices, but if you have the ability to alter the width of your browser you can see our website flow as it adjusts to the changes in the browser size.

This ability to flow and adjust to the width of a device or browser is what makes a website responsive. One website to rule them all The silver bullet? When this occurs then the old ways still provide the best solution. Responsive Web Design. Foreword by Jeremy Keith From mobile browsers to netbooks and tablets, users are visiting your sites from an increasing array of devices and browsers. Are your designs ready? Learn how to think beyond the desktop and craft beautiful designs that anticipate and respond to your users’ needs. Ethan Marcotte will explore CSS techniques and design principles, including fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries, demonstrating how you can deliver a quality experience to your users no matter how large (or small) their display.

Contents Our Responsive WebThe Flexible GridFlexible Images (Read this chapter online)Media QueriesBecoming Responsive. Responsive Web Design. The English architect Christopher Wren once quipped that his chosen field “aims for Eternity,” and there’s something appealing about that formula: Unlike the web, which often feels like aiming for next week, architecture is a discipline very much defined by its permanence.

Article Continues Below A building’s foundation defines its footprint, which defines its frame, which shapes the facade. Each phase of the architectural process is more immutable, more unchanging than the last. Creative decisions quite literally shape a physical space, defining the way in which people move through its confines for decades or even centuries. Working on the web, however, is a wholly different matter. But the landscape is shifting, perhaps more quickly than we might like. In recent years, I’ve been meeting with more companies that request “an iPhone website” as part of their project. A flexible foundation#section1 Let’s consider an example design. Becoming responsive#section2 responsive architecture . Devising a Strategy for Responsive Design. By Jared M. Spool Originally published: Jan 29, 2013 Thanks to Marco Dini for translating this article to Italian. This year, it will be hard to find an organization that doesn’t prioritize making their web site responsive.

Yet, as we talk to organizations moving in this direction, we’re finding they haven’t nailed down their strategy for getting there yet. The Core Tactics Almost everything you read about responsive web design starts with what I call the core tactics — the basic elements that make responsive sites be responsive. The first core tactic is discovering the breakpoints. A responsive design can have multiple breakpoints, say for a small-screen phone, then a large-screen phone, then a tablet, then a laptop/desktop. However, it’s better to look at what the content and navigation wants to be. The second core tactic is keeping page load times low. The third core tactic is image size optimization. What’s Getting Left Out? Mobile First Research First Shifting Information to Interaction. Weighing Your Options: Responsive Design and Your Mobile Strategy » BraveNewCode Inc. When it comes to mobile web options and WordPress, there’s new discussion in the web development community about the merits of responsive design, while less talk of alternate options like WPtouch & WPtouch Pro.

This post explores some of the key differences between the two approaches. In a recent blog post, 5 Reasons Why Responsive Design Is Not Worth It, Tom Ewer, of Manage WP examines the shortcomings of responsive design and laments the lack of arguments against it on the Internet. Though I’ve come across a few other voices here and there that speak less favourably of responsive design, these comments seem somewhat lost in a sea of content being produced by its supporters. This is not to say that Responsive Design is not a valuable approach to mobile website design— I’m speaking here about the lack of discussion regarding alternate approaches. What Is Responsive Design Google defines Responsive Design as follows: What Is Different About WPtouch And How It Presents Mobile Pages?