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Click Through Rates in Google SERPs for Different Types of Queries - YouMoz. Bluerank specialists have been analyzing web search to provide the best service to our clients.

Click Through Rates in Google SERPs for Different Types of Queries - YouMoz

Web search is based on users, and to achieve the best results we have to understand users’ actions. I was interested in click through rates in Google search engine result pages. It is obvious that the position in search engine result pages is vital. However, it is just as important that there are three main types of keywords, and these keywords might have different click through rates. To find out if that thesis is true, I conducted a study. Brief methodology I built a database of 14,507 queries, their CTRs, and average positions.

Each query was analyzed and marked as brand if it contained the domain name. You can find expanded methodology at the bottom of the post. Key findings The main conclusion of this analysis is that, depending on the type of queries a user chooses, their actions in web search differ. Queries prioritization It is obvious that reaching high positions is important. Metrics, Metrics On The Wall, Who's The Vainest Of Them All? Actionable vs. Vanity. More data is always a good thing right?

Metrics, Metrics On The Wall, Who's The Vainest Of Them All? Actionable vs. Vanity

More data means more information and more accurate decisions. More data means we’ll be able to build our business faster. Wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. Not all data is helpful. How to Tell if Your Data Matters It all comes down to one thing: does the metric help you make decisions? If you don’t, you’re probably looking at a vanity metric. Vanity metrics are all those data points that make us feel good if they go up but don’t help us make decisions. There’s no way to know. Let’s look at an actionable metric. It says “HOLY SNACK ATTACK BATMAN! So we check our merchant account and see if payments are still coming in.

Notice how there’s no confusion and no ambiguity. “But Lars! Have you revamped your site design or checkout funnel in the last 12 months? Actionable Metrics Whenever you start tracking a metric ask yourself if it helps you take action and make decisions. At their core, actionable metrics are geared to answer these questions: Revenue. The Seduction of the Lifetime Value (LTV) Formula. Google accounts for 92% of all UK internet searches. Like 0 Tweet 1 0 Updated 16:34 8 Sep 2011 by Devina Divecha G oogle has come out on top in the UK Analysts Experian Hitwise have released data showing June was Google's best month of 2011, with over 92% of all searches by UK internet users being carried out on its search engine. Google Sites saw a 1.50% increase in market share of searches in the UK in June, whilst Microsoft Sites lost 1.38% during the month. Yahoo! "Google has certainly been dominant in search for the last ten years but even by Google’s high standards, to capture 92% of the UK search market is quite an achievement," said Robin Goad, research director, Experian Hitwise.

"In other markets like the US the search distribution is much more even, but in the UK Google has woven itself into the core fabric of Internet usage so much that other players are struggling to keep up.