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Pourquoi vous n'arrivez plus à vous concentrer au travail. How I Wake Up, Work Out, and Get to Work by 8am. By the time I was a senior in college, I was living on the typical college schedule and doing work until 2-3am and then waking up at 10 or 11am (because needless to say by the time I had the flexibility to choose my own classes and fulfilled all of my major requirements I didn’t schedule any classes before 11am). After graduation when I started my first job, I realized that this lifestyle was not sustainable.

I could not go to the gym at 9 or 10pm, do work, go to bed, and be at work by 9am the next work feeling refreshed and ready to be productive. I decided that I wanted to make the most of my day and getting up early seemed like the best place to start. It took me about a month to get used to, but now I love it. By the time most of my office gets in at 9:30am, I have had 1.5 hours to exercise (which may be a run, swim practice, or gym session depending on the day), check and respond to emails, organize myself, and dig into a project or two. 1) Don’t Hit Snooze 2) Turn on the Lights. How to Achieve a State of Total Concentration. Think of an activity you enjoy that completely immerses you. When you're doing it, your attention is fully focused, and you are so absorbed that you lose track of time.

You feel free and effortless. That state of total concentration is called "flow," and the people who love their jobs experience it often while they're working. "It's what keeps you going," says Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the leading researcher on flow states, a professor of psychology and management at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, Calif., and author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2008). "Flow creates an experience that is so exciting and so stimulating that you would do [the activity] even if you didn't get paid. " Entrepreneurs are especially likely to experience flow at work because they have the freedom to choose their own challenges. To experience flow and stay focused on a regular basis, try these four tips: 1. Related: 4 Strategies to Sharpen Your Focus 2.

5 Ways to Boost Your Willpower. Think of the last time you struggled to focus on a boring or difficult task. Your wandering attention probably felt like it was outside your control, as if you suddenly lost the ability to focus and didn't know how to regain it. We all feel that way sometimes. Even in those moments, when you feel like you're fighting against your own instincts, you can stop procrastinating and get focused. You just need to recharge your willpower. "Willpower gives you the energy and endurance to deal with challenges, the ability to persevere in the face of setbacks, and the strength to tolerate conflict or stress that might otherwise make us run away from goals or projects we care about," says Kelly McGonigal, a Stanford psychologist and author of The Willpower Instinct (Avery, 2011).

Related: How to Achieve a State of Total Concentration Your willpower works like a muscle -- it needs to be trained, developed, and maintained. 1. 2. Mindfulness helps you cope with stress and strengthen willpower. 3. 4. 5. Why Success Breeds Success: The Science of "The Winner Effect" By Maria Popova Biochemistry and the self-reinforcing upward spiral of winning.

The past century of science has demonstrated the pivotal role of biochemistry in such human phenomena as love, attraction, and lust. But to consider that individual neurobiology might impact things as rational and complex as, say, stock markets seems rather radical. Yet that’s precisely what trader-turned-neuroscientist John Coates explores in The Hour Between Dog and Wolf: Risk Taking, Gut Feelings and the Biology of Boom and Bust (public library) — an ambitious look at how body chemistry affects high-stakes financial trading, in which Coates sets out to construct — and deconstruct — a “universal biology of risk-taking.” Coates explains: An intriguing correlation, certainly, but what is the causal mechanism at work? Life for the winner is more glorious. So does this winner effect also occur in humans? Tying the research back to the human condition itself, Coates puts it rather poetically: Donating = Loving. The Most Successful Leaders Do 15 Things Automatically, Every Day.

13 petites choses pour simplifier votre journée de travail. « Faites les choses difficiles tant qu’elles sont faciles et les grandes choses tant qu’elles sont petites. Un voyage de mille lieues commence toujours par un premier pas. » – Lao Tseu Note : cet article est une traduction de l’article 13 small things to simplify your workday de Léo Babauta. C’est donc lui qui s’exprime dans le “je” de cet article ! Une des meilleures choses que j’ai faites quand j’ai décidé de simplifier ma vie a été de simplifier ma journée de travail ─ d’abord à mon travail et plus tard, en quittant mon travail et en m’installant comme écrivain et entrepreneur.

J’ai éliminé la plupart de la routine, des tâches administratives ennuyeuses, avec seulement quelques principes. Aujourd’hui, j’ai éliminé tout ce qui n’est pas essentiel, et je peux me concentrer sur ce que j’aime vraiment : créer. Si vous n’avez pas le contrôle, ou s’il vous arrive de penser « Je ne peux pas faire ces choses », je commencerais par demander pourquoi pas ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Sens et orientation : et si j’osais tracer ma propre route ? Sens dessus/dessous: et si j’osais tracer ma propre route ? 24 avril 2012, ESCP Europe, Paris Voir les vidéos de l'événement Depuis plus de deux siècles, des prestigieux centres de formation se sont développés sur tous les continents et ont formés des générations de cadres aux techniques du management d’entreprise, tournés vers la maximisation du profit financier. Dans un contexte de multi-crise, les modèles d’hier sont-ils encore adaptés pour répondre aux enjeux de nos sociétés ?

A un niveau individuel, quelle place pour le bon développement des managers dans leurs organisations ? A un niveau collectif, quelles sont leurs responsabilités pour la cité ? A l’intérieur d’une conférence interactive, nous écouterons différents témoins ayant tous décidé de marquer leurs parcours professionnels de choix personnels. En 2 heures, mêlant retours d’expérience et réactions du public, nous essayerons d’identifier certains pièges de nos organisations et des possibles voies d’autonomie individuelle. High-potential Leaders - Indicators of High-potential Leadership. In my many years of observing leaders, I have noticed a number of signs that a person has high potential for corporate leadership. A wide cognitive bandwidth - the capacity and inclination to see things in a broader context - is an earmark of a CEO who anticipates how changes in the external environment will affect the business or of a marketing vice president who sees how marketing relates to overall company direction.

High-potential Leaders Seek Information and See the Broader View Leaders aren't born with the phenomenal breadth and scope of thinking that characterizes successful leaders of big companies, but those with a drive to constantly search for more information and see things from a broader view have the potential for it. Some young leaders exhibit a conceptual ability to rise above the details, to see a broader context than their peers, and to place themselves and their immediate accomplishments within that broader context. Look for actions that reveal such thinking.