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Boite à Outils | Antropia. L’institut de l’innovation et de l’entrepreneuriat social met à votre disposition les outils . Les outils de création d’entreprise sociale Guide méthodologique du business plan social. TéléchargerManuel Changer d’échelle .Télécharger Les typologies de changement d’échelle pour les entreprises sociales .

TéléchargerEtude sur les facteurs clés de succès et obstacles à la création d’entreprises sociales. Télécharger Bonnes pratiques et transparences associatives. Les outils pour la mesure de l’impact social Guide du retour social sur investissement (SROI) . Les ateliers de pré-incubation Dans le cadre du programme d’accompagnement Start-up, Antropia propose aux porteurs de projet à fort potentiel de suivre des ateliers sur des outils nécessaires à la création d’entreprise sociale. Pour plus d’informations, contactez Céline Claverie ( ou Julie Rebattet ( 11 Things to Look For In Your Startup Partner.

The People You Need Working for Your Start-Up - Michael Fertik. By Michael Fertik | 1:00 PM June 3, 2013 Almost nowhere else in the world is the tech entrepreneur glamorized as much as in Silicon Valley. The Valley is rife with smart, incredibly energetic, tremendously talented new entrepreneurs — instead of stars in their eyes, they have successful exits and Zuckerberg-like acclaim in their sights. Yet 75 percent of startups fail , despite demonstrable ingenuity and an almost superhuman output of hard work. As a serial tech entrepreneur growing my own company, , I know there are no easy, one-size-fits-all approaches to making your vision come alive and, even more critically, growing and sustaining it. But as first-time entrepreneurs begin the crucial task of building their teams, here's what they should keep in mind: Pick the right cofounder. B-school buddies do not a business marriage make. Your chief technologist should be smart and hungry.

Pick a product perfectionist. Don't hire people you don't need. Don't over-plan for scale. 11 Things to Look For In Your Startup Partner. The Power in a Millionaire's Mindset. “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” Having the right mindset is more important than having the right idea Underachievement … Frustration … Below-average money … Three things you want to avoid in life & business. The best way to do that? Don’t be below average, and do below average things. To develop the right mindset you must make personal excellence part of your DAILY routine and overall mission in life. “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.” The people who find true success in life are the ones who, instead of spending all night in front of the television, are busy working or improving their skills in some way.

Focus on your own success first. Don’t hinder your success by worrying about the political, social, and economic issues the world or those around you face. Recognize that not everyone is open-minded. Don’t compare yourself to others who are doing better than you. STOP MAKING EXCUSES!!!!! Top 10 Reasons to Startup in College. Starting a business is not easy. Having resources at your disposal is invaluable, and one of the best places to get those resources is in college.

With a lot of attention being brought to whether or not you actually need college, I would like to present a counter-point. I started my own business this year and these are the college resources I found most helpful. 10. Risk-reduced Environment College is a time when people are trying many new things. It is a relatively safe environment. 9. What? Besides these startup specific courses, colleges offer a lot of great classes in other things. 8. College students love new things, especially if it doesn’t cost them anything. 7. If you are starting a company, you probably already know that you don’t want to work for someone else. Don’t have an idea yet? 6. Here in Indiana, we have groups like Verge Startups, which puts on events to connect developers, idea makers, and investors. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Image Credit: Category: Startup Advice. What Would-Be Entrepreneurs Fear Most About Starting Up.

Skip Advertisement This ad will close in 15 seconds... Young Entrepreneurs Today's Most Read 9 Proven Ways to Get People to Take You Seriously 4 Intangibles That Drive CEOs What It Takes to Go From Dead Broke to 6 Figures in 6 Months The Mentality of a Successful Career 4 Big Challenges That Startups Face These Siblings Are Cooking Up America's First Meatless Butcher Shop Kim Lachance Shandrow 3 min read News and Articles About Young Entrepreneurs Failure 6 Stories of Super Successes Who Overcame Failure They're perfect examples of why failure should never stop you from following your vision. Jayson DeMers Podcasts Top 25 Business Podcasts for Entrepreneurs Podcasts are as easy to use as old-school radio but as specialized as blogs. Murray Newlands Entrepreneurship Programs Saxbys and Drexel Team Up to Promote Entrepreneurship Saxby's founder Nick Bayer talks about the one-of-a-kind program and why he wishes there was one for himself years ago.

Carly Okyle Presented by Young Entrepreneurs Laura Entis Fear. The Slow and Steady Approach to Entrepreneurship. Some people make the jump to entrepreneurship fast – I mean really fast. They get a great idea in college and run with it. Just think about the big names that have done this over time: Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and more. But for every shooting star, I would venture that there are 10 slow and steady entrepreneurs that have been gradually building their businesses while gaining the skills and experiences necessary to succeed. That’s my story – I’m working my way there right now. Starting Early The first aspect of the slow and steady approach to entrepreneurship is building a solid skill set early on. Just think about it – you need skills regardless of what age you start.

If you want to be an entrepreneur, you also need to know how to balance your time, build relationships, network, and have basic business skills. In my experience, I worked as a supervisor for a retail store throughout college. Leveraging Side Hustles After Graduation Category: Startup Advice. The #1 Mistake Entrepreneurs Make.

Business plan : Les erreurs financières à ne pas faire. Fondateur de Legal’Easy. Vous vous apprêtez à rédiger la fameuse partie financière du business plan. L’exercice est redouté par beaucoup d’entrepreneurs. Pourquoi ? Peur de ne pas maîtriser la comptabilité ou les termes financiers. Non maîtrise d’Excel. Maladresse avec les chiffres. Petit tour d’horizon des erreurs à éviter pour ne pas se dé-crédibiliser face à un financeur. Les erreurs de forme Il faut faciliter le travail de lecture de votre modèle financier et de votre partie financière. Un onglet pour les hypothèses, un onglet qui explique les principales formules, un onglet pour le compte de résultat,un onglet pour les flux de trésorerie, un onglet pour le bilan,un onglet pour les besoin de financement.

On distinguera par ailleurs deux types d’hypothèses : Celles que l’entrepreneur rentre directement à la main. Erreur numéro 2 : Les données et hypothèses qui tombent du ciel Une autre erreur classique de forme consiste à oublier de justifier les hypothèses. Advice for Social Entrepreneurs | CASE Notes. As part of Stanford’s “Social Entrepreneur Building Block Series,” Professor Dees recently gave advice to budding student social entrepreneurs. He discussed the variety of ways to define social entrepreneurship, the core of which is finding innovative solutions to social problems, regardless of the business model used.

He also talked about lessons that the field has learned about being a social entrepreneur: Complexity … Finding innovative solutions to social problems involves incredibly complex work, not quick fixes. Dees ended the talk by discussing what the current “hot topics” are in social entrepreneurship: impact investing; the blending and blurring of business model types; and, social entrepreneurs as the learning labs where we can test innovative new solutions that can be taken to scale. Want to hear more? Watch the full talk here: 5 Awesome Resources for College Entrepreneurs. Who said college was a time for sitting in class? Go start a company instead! It’s odd that so many people think college students can’t start kickass companies: they can and they have!

What even cooler is this: Universities are now starting to actively promote and encourage entrepreneurship in its students! If you’re a college student, the number of free resources available to you is second to none. Maybe you don’t know about them because you listen to your professors talk all day long about brushing up your resume to get some stupid corporate job… …but they’re out there, just ripe for the picking, just waiting for you to find them. Here’s some specs on 5 awesome resources available to university entrepreneurs.

I wish I knew about these when I was in college, and seriously, if you don’t take advantage of these and then complain later (“there’s no resources to help me become an entrepreneur! 1. 2. Easy, my friend! 3. There’s tons of startup Meetup groups, too (even in small cities!). 4. 5. Wadhwani Foundation Entrepreneur Academy. How to Start a Small Business In 7 Steps. Are you tired of your 9 to 5 day job? Do you desire a secured financial future? Are you planning to start a small business? If you answered ‘’Yes’’, to the above questions, then you’re at the right place. If you have plans to start a business but you’re afraid of what the outcome might be, then I’ll advise you don’t start yet because you won’t succeed. The best thing to do is to start PART TIME. Your mindset plays a very important role in starting a business.

If you’re an employee reading this article and you’re contemplating quitting your job to start a business but you know deep down that fear and doubt are holding you back, then this article will get you started. 1. Leadership is not by title–it’s by example… ~Daniel Adetunji The reason why successful entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Aliko Dangote were able to achieve so much is because they’d trained their minds positively. One of the first key things you must do before starting a business is to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. 2. 2.

Gamestorming: A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers (9780596804176): Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, James Macanufo. How to be a Young Entrepreneur: 60 Questions to Guide You. How to be a young entrepreneur? It’s the million dollar question we seem to hear everyday at Under30CEO. The problem is that there isn’t a blueprint out there that will show you every step along the way to building a successful business. Not only is every business different but every person/founder is different. We all have different interests, opinions on what is right/wrong, different skill-sets & traits and a million other things that make each business unique in it’s own way. There are principles you can follow that will help guide you in the right direction. Hopefully they will help you make the right decisions or motivate you to execute your idea 110%.

But that is all we can ask for. We decided to build a list of questions that everyone should ask themselves before starting a business. Think 60 is a lot? Add what questions you think a young aspiring entrepreneur should ask themselves in the comments. Step 1: Make a List 1. Step 2: Engulf Yourself in Your Industry! 15. 26. 35. 46. Les 5 conseils de Michel & Augustin aux entrepreneurs en herbe.