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Blog and Web Design Portfolio of Adrian Pelletier. IdTabs. Creating a jQuery Slide-In Contact Form. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent sodales, dolor ut tempor sollicitudin, nulla lacus sodales ipsum, vitae commodo dui nisi et sapien. Phasellus ac nisl. Vivamus dignissim justo iaculis mauris. Suspendisse adipiscing, arcu sit amet tincidunt pretium, lorem mauris ullamcorper erat, blandit auctor erat massa sit amet neque. Ut porta, ante sed volutpat blandit, tellus justo interdum odio, vitae molestie arcu nisl et turpis.

Nam semper mi pulvinar tellus. Nunc euismod. Aliquam aliquet. Download git clone Instantiation jQuery( '.parallax-layer' ).parallax( options ); What does jquery.parallax do? jParallax turns nodes into absolutely positioned layers that move in response to the mouse. Depending on their dimensions these layers move at different rates, in a parallaxy kind of way. With a bit of CSS you can either set up windows to see these layers through, or leave them free to roam about. The diagram on the right illustrates what jParallax does to the html: and here's a demonstration with some images: More demos demos/index.html demos/stalkbuttons.html - multiple parallax. demos/remotecontrol.html - parallax by remote control. demos/thumbnails.html - beautiful interactive thumbnails. demos/target.html - demonstrates how smoothly jParallax handles window resizing. Using jParallax Therefore, the simplest way to use jParallax is to make the layers different sizes using CSS.

Options Layer Options Events Tips.


Slide. 3D Plane for jQuery 3D Engine. 3D Plane for jQuery 3D Engine In the last post we created a 3D Engine with jQuery. This time around we’re going to make a new shape and make it interact with the mouse. What We’re Making I decided not to tackle too tough a shape as I wanted to show how to interact with the mouse. We’ll be making a plane that rotates the further you get from the center. Getting Started If you haven’t seen how the 3D engine works I recommend visiting Making a 3D Engine in jQuery and getting caught up. Lets look at the code. It’s pretty much the same as the Cube in the previous post. Mouse Interaction Now that we have our plane made, we’ll just import it into our html file.

Here is the new jQuery: Anytime the mouse moved we would figure out how far the mouse is from the center of the object. Here is the code all together: Next Step Now that the mouse Interaction is taken care of. Related 3D Engine. Sponsor Flip Wall With jQuery & CSS – Tutorialzine. Martin Angelov Designing and coding a sponsors page is part of the developer’s life (at least the lucky developer’s life, if it is about a personal site of theirs). It, however, follows different rules than those for the other pages of the site. You have to find a way to fit a lot of information and organize it clearly, so that the emphasis is put on your sponsors, and not on other elements of your design. We are using PHP, CSS and jQuery with the jQuery Flip plug-in, to do just that.

Step 1 – XHTML Most of the markup is generated by PHP for each of the sponsors after looping the main $sponsor array. Demo.php <div title="Click to flip" class="sponsor"><div class="sponsorFlip"><img alt="More about google" src="img/sponsors/google.png"></div><div class="sponsorData"><div class="sponsorDescription"> The company that redefined web search. The outermost .sponsor div contains two additional div elements. Maybe more interesting is the sponsorData div. Sponsor Flip Wall Step 2 – CSS Step 3 – PHP.

BubbleUp jQuery Plugin to Spice Up Your Menu | AEXT.NET. Hey friend, in the previous jQuery Learning tutorial, I wrote an article that helps you to create your own jQuery plugin with the fun zooming effect. This plugin has received a lot of attention for a while and there are some suggestion from you guys to help this plugin to be better. I collected some interesting recommendations and bug fixes from my readers to write it again and release it. This plugin now is more flexible, easy to customize and working with all major web browsers with any size of images. Sounds cool? What’s this plugin? BubbleUp is a jQuery plugin released from a jQuery tutorial Learning jQuery: Your First jQuery Plugin, “BubbleUP” which helps you to create your first jQuery plugin. Features: Your menu will be scaled in any size via the option.You decide to enable the tooltip or not.The tooltip would be customizable by font, size and color.The speed of the transition (in/out) can be controlled.

Demonstration This is how this plugin is in action. Requirements Options. jQuery Slider plugin (Safari style) ← Egor Khmelev. jQuery Slider is easy to use and multifunctional jQuery plugin that supports any webkit based touch mobile devices such as iPhone/iPod/iPad and Android. Below you can find demos and documentation. Slider placed in string with skin. Demos Notice! That half of the slider here is just 1/5 of whole slider — this is what heterogeneity for. Documentation Basic functions $(".selector") Get inner slider object Get values scope Set values of the pointers p1 & p2 Get percentage values scope Set percentage values of the pointers p1 & p2 Get values scope from "calculate" function Set slider skin Build options from number Left limit to number Right limit step number Step of pointer round number How many numbers allowed after comma format object How to format numbers, readme for how to use heterogeneity array [percentage of point on slider]/[value in that point] dimension string Show this after number limits boolean Show or not limits scale array Labels under slider, '|' — show just line skin string calculate function(value) License.