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Citizen's Handbook Table of Contents. Le blog. Les journalistes s'émeuvent, à juste titre, de la création via la loi Macron du « secret des affaires », source de dérives potentielles graves pour la liberté de la presse ainsi que pour les lanceurs d'alerte. Mais la portée des dispositions votées jusqu'ici par les députés est beaucoup plus large. Le texte met notamment en danger des pans entiers de la transparence des institutions, du simple fait de leurs relations avec des sociétés commerciales : marchés publics, lobbying, corruption, etc. Le monde associatif et ses adhérents, ainsi que l'OpenData français, risquent également d'en faire les frais, tant la portée et le champ d'application du texte sont larges.

Le texte de l'amendement du rapporteur Ferrand adopté en commission, élargit ainsi grandement la notion de secret en matière "d'affaires" par rapport au simple secret "industriel et commercial" qui existait jusqu'alors dans de nombreux textes législatifs, comme la loi Cada, le code de ... En lire plus. Concept : PROSTOROZ / PROSTOROZ.ORG. The ProstoRož association sprung into life in 2004 as a spontaneous answer to our desire to explore and understand open city space.

It is a continuous project of public space cultivation, its goal developing a method of reviving and arranging of the degraded urban spaces. In doing this, we believe in joint efforts of experts from various fields of spatial planning, architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, nature conservation, cultural heritage and tourism. Our space interventions are always followed by public discussions in which we try to include experts as well as laymen. ProstoRož explores, examines and opens new possibilities of public space use in accordance with the needs of its inhabitants and tries to reveal how sometimes minimal means and small interventions are enough to present the city’s inhabitants and visitors with pleasant spaces for hanging out, playing or working in the open air.

Start a Camp | CityCamp: Gov 2.0 goes local. Thinking about starting a CityCamp where you live? Great! Here’s how: Anyone can host a CityCamp, and every CityCamp event has its own focus and tone. This document provides a brief overview of the guidelines for creating a successful CityCamp event. That said, we’re refining this concept as we go along, so please share with the community if you have suggestions or questions about the information you see here. If you are thinking about organizing a CityCamp the very first thing you should do is join the community and introduce yourself.

Anyone can host a CityCamp who is committed to organizing an event based on: Rules Governing CityCamp: All CityCamp events are on the record by default. Responsibilities of a Host: Set a ScheduleEstablish Scope and ThemeBook a VenueEstablish a Web PresenceOutfit the CampInvite ParticipantsCater Your EventShare Your Event Set a Schedule Establish a Scope and Theme: Set the tone of your local event and help orient participants to relevant topics. Get Ideas. About | CityCamp: Gov 2.0 goes local.

TransparencyCamp - An Unconference by The Sunlight Foundation. Tools. You are currently not logged in. | Login | Sign Up ParticipateDB Home | Tools | Projects | References | About | FAQ | Contact | Blog Tools This section provides a growing list of tools and services that have been used for web-based participation in the past (also referred to as e-consultations, e-participation or online public engagement). We're in the process of seeding the database with a few records of our own before we open up to the general public later this Fall.

Are we missing anything? Let us know! LA BOITE | A EXPÉRIENCES | A OUTILS | A IDEES | Pour une participation démocraTIC. Le blogue du Mile-End | Sherry Arnstein : de 1969 à aujourd’hui, une échelle de participation citoyenne. Bonjour, Vous êtes nombreux à faire des recherches sur l’échelle de participation citoyenne de Sherry Arnstein sur notre plateforme. Aujourd’hui, nous rouvrons à nouveau la discussion à ce sujet, après une absence un peu trop longue somme toute : comme vous le savez, la plateforme se veut un espace libre, un espace d’appropriation citoyenne, ce qui fait de vous le patron! L’article A Ladder of Citizen Participation est paru originalement en 1969, dans le Journal of the American Institute of Planners. Il est facilement accessible sur le réseau Internet et afin de nourrir une réflexion plus poussée, sa lecture intégrale reste indispensable.

Voici une version html plutôt sympathique à consulter… mais difficile à imprimer… Cela dit, nous avons vulgarisé – un peu à l’extrême – cette fameuse échelle de participation citoyenne dans une entrée de blogue, dont voici l’hyperlien : Daniel. A Ladder of Citizen Participation - Sherry R Arnstein. Webmasters comment, February 2006. This article has proved quite popular since I put it online in November 2004, there were over 1000 requests for the text just this January. I think that's great and welcome any comments you have, especially about success stories about giving power to communities in making decisions for themselves.

You can contact me by visiting the contact page for Duncan Lithgow. This article is about power structures in society and how they interact. Specifically it is a guide to seeing who has power when important decisions are being made. It is quite old, but never-the-less of great value to anyone interested in issues of citizen participation. The concepts discussed in this article about 1960's America apply to any hierarchical society but are still mostly unknown, unacknowledged or ignored by many people around the world. This article was reprinted in "The City Reader" (second edition) edited by Richard T. Please copy and re-distribute this article. 2. Figure 2. Scop Le Pavé.