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Fuji Instax Mini 25 Instant Camera. Books are the new internet. Mustaches are hip. The 1990's are "vintage. " And analog is the new digital. The future is now. Er, the past future is now? Something like that. Introducing the Instax Mini Camera, Fujifilm's most adorablest instant camera. It can print credit card-sized photos on bold new Fuji film, but retain that classic instant analog look that everyone loves. The Instax 8 has manual exposure controls with a built in light meter to help you choose the best mode. The Instax Mini Camera: no USB cables, no memory cards, and no computer. They're the little wizards of when-ever-you-want-it-wallet-sized-love. The Photojojo Store! - the Most Awesome Photo Gifts and Gear for Photographers. Kit à Cupcakes par Chronicle Books. Product City - Handbags - Balenciaga. Boucles d'oreilles Weather diary. Collier TV Entertain Me par Me & Zena.