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10 Ways Social Media Will Change in 2011. With more than 550 million people on Facebook, 65 million tweets posted on Twitter each day, and 2 billion video views each day on YouTube?

10 Ways Social Media Will Change in 2011

, social media has become an integral part of our connected lives. But this is just the beginning. For the past two years, I have been forecasting the evolution social media will undergo. Key trends for 2010 included social media integration across applications and devices, lowered technological barriers, mobile pervasiveness and social media ROI as a focus. It is safe to say that these trends indeed became reality and I expect these to continue and materialize in new solutions, applications and case studies in the year ahead. 2011 will also be marked by new developments that will shape the very fabric of our behavior, culture and identity. 1.

Guest author Ravit Lichtenberg, founder and chief strategist at Ustrategy - a boutique consultancy specializing in helping companies excel in the socio-digital age. 2. Read Ravit's Previous Forecasts 3. 4. 5. I Help People Be Successful Online. Social Media According to The Wire. This post was written by Jenny Urbano, our Social Media Manager.

Social Media According to The Wire

Here at Demandforce, we love seeing and celebrating your ideas! And more than that, we love to hear from YOU. We want to bridge the gap between us and you, so that’s why we’re offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to win a trip to San Francisco, sightsee in this amazing city, visit Demandforce headquarters and share your ideas with us! Facbook_vs_twitter_infographic1. 101 Social Media Stats to Make Your Spirits Bright and Your Head Spin. Finding the right needle in the haystack that is the Internet is often times an exercise in futility and frustration.

101 Social Media Stats to Make Your Spirits Bright and Your Head Spin

Sure, you can find “quick tips” for just about anything, a “how-to” guide for maximizing anything you’d like to maximize, and “case studies” that illustrate someone else’s success story which you believe – for a fleeting moment – you can just as easily apply to your own situation. Most often the tips are oversimplified, the how-to guides leave much to be desired, and the case studies seem to more like exceptions than they are rules. In Digital Chatter, a Buzz Over the Year's Top Ads. The end of the year is bringing the usual looks back on Madison Avenue at the high and low points of the last 12 months.

In Digital Chatter, a Buzz Over the Year's Top Ads

Now, with social media increasingly important as a marketing tool, those year-end lists are expanding to include assessments of the conversations consumers had in 2010 about ads they liked and disliked. Zeta Interactive, which mines blogs, comments on Twitter, message boards and posts in social media, has compiled its list of the ads of the year with the most “buzz.” (The company calls the online media mining technology it uses Zeta Buzz, hence its penchant for that word to describe the digital chatter.) The Zeta top 10 for 2010 was completely different from the list from last year, with one exception: Snickers.

The Mars candy was the only brand to turn up on both lists. Snickers was in first place in 2009, for its “Snacklish” campaign, and in seventh place this year for its campaign featuring Betty White and Abe Vigoda that began with a commercial on Super Bowl XLIV. Les usages Internet des jeunes. Le bilan de Twitter pour 2010. Le blog de Nicolas Bordas- Pr?sident TBWA\ France. Lengow intègre le paiement PayPal au sein de ses boutiques Facebook. 10 choses que vous devez savoir sur le fonctionnement de Facebook. Cet article a été publié il y a 3 ans 4 mois 8 jours, il est possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour.

10 choses que vous devez savoir sur le fonctionnement de Facebook.

Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. De nombreux articles anglophones sont riches en enseignement. Social Media Marketing Goes Mainstream. Call it Word of Mouth 2.0.

Social Media Marketing Goes Mainstream

Companies large and small have been turning to social media such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to get their message in front of potential customers. Now car manufacturers are eschewing celebrities in favor of social-media stars to sing the praises of their automobiles to their numerous followers. Indeed, every major car company in the US seems to be running a social media campaign with these online heavyweights. Most of them are centered around a particular vehicle. Médias sociaux > Social CRM : qui est ce « social customer » ? Scanblog : ECHO vague 2. 10 chiffres clés sur le social gaming. Twitter pour les pros, le dossier complet.

Marques et Tongs : Internet en Chiffres & en France - V2 - sept 2010. Xkcd. Comment Facebook influence les relations parent-enfant ? Avec un demi milliard de compte, Facebook fait partie du quotidien de beaucoup de familles.

Comment Facebook influence les relations parent-enfant ?

Comment est ce que les parents et les enfants font avec cette nouvelle donne ? Comment est ce que Facebook influence les interactions parent-enfant ? Comment est ce que la communication sur Facebook influence l’intimité dans les relations parent- enfant ? C’est à ces deux questions que répond une étude de trois chercheurs de Singapour. 10 choses que vous devez savoir sur le fonctionnement de Facebook. Twitter : ne m'appelez plus réseau social ! Facebook Measurement. 45 superbes pages de marques sur Facebook. Depuis ce matin, Facebook propose à ses utilisateurs une nouvelle fonctionnalité.

45 superbes pages de marques sur Facebook

Il est désormais possible de tagger plus que ses amis sur les photos. Rapidement, on pourra tagger des liens vers les fans pages de sites, marques ou de célébrités. Il est à noter que si vous tagger une marque sur une de vos photos, la photo remontera dans le classement de la fan page du produit. Apple “iTunes U” Sees 300 Million Downloads. Apple have announced yesterday that “iTunes U” has just reached 300 million downloads in the last 3 years.

Apple “iTunes U” Sees 300 Million Downloads

In turn this makes it one of the world’s most popular online educational catalogs. iTunes which was initially launched back in 2001 provides the accessibility to play and organise music and video files. As well as this, the app uses an interface to place its contents onto devices such as Apple’s iPod, iPad and iPhone. For users, they can download music, music videos, films, television shows, iPod games and podcasts through the internet which is passed down to the iTunes store.

Benefits of iTunes U, gives users a unique way of learning through their computer, iPhone, iPod and iPad. When Stan Schroeder at Mashable reported on this, users have downloaded 300 million items from a catalog of more than 350,000 audio and video files. Les Médias Sociaux et les Marques – Mes Attentes ont Changé. 0inShareinShare0 Mes attentes ont changé.

Les Médias Sociaux et les Marques – Mes Attentes ont Changé

Adaptez-vous, ou disparaissez. Je parle beaucoup ici du changement qui s’opère dans notre rapport à l’information du fait de l’émergence de nouveaux médias. Ce n’est pas la seule transformation. Notre rapport aux marques est lui aussi profondément bouleversé. Community Manager, qui es-tu ?