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Ha, Gaaaaaaaaay. Do websites need to look exactly the same in every browser? Is it going to be ok? Things I Did Last Night. MICHELLE OBAMA IS YOUR NEW BICYCLE. What The Fuck Should I Make For Dinner? Do You Have Swine Flu? The Price is Right – Losing Horns. Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet? Let's Turn This Fucking Website Yellow (Yellow as of 3/9/08. Thank You.), September 2007, Charles Broskoski. Don't Stand Next to the Sun. Is Barack Obama Muslim?

Is it Christmas? Should I Use Comic Sans? Shutdown the Internet. Is it the weekend yet? Studio SSS: Portlanders & their Bicycles. How Many People Are In Space Right Now? The Magic 8-ball. Is Obama President? Maybe - Yes, No, Maybe, The Instant Decision Maker.