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Math Teaching Ideas

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Math –free printable notebooking pages. Roman numerals are tricky, aren’t they?

math –free printable notebooking pages

I commonly forget the symbols beyond I, V, and X. These notebooking pages will hopefully help your students learn the Roman numerals once and for all. These free printable notebooking pages can be used with a math lesson or even with a history lesson on Ancient Rome. The PDF […] Do you remember this quirky sentence, “Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally?” In our math history lessons, we came to Stevin and Napier, two mathematicians who were proponents of using a decimal in numeric notation. Today’s freebie is another math notebooking page that you can use along with a study of tangrams. Do you use notebooking for math? One of my most popular posts over at Jimmie’s Collage is Living Math with Factors, Multiples, and Primes. Do the Math with Marilyn Burns. Music helps children learn maths.

Popular Math Books

Parents & Math. My Math Workshop Rotation Board -Setting Up the Classroom Series. A few years back, I was finding that my friends were really struggling to attend during our math block.

My Math Workshop Rotation Board -Setting Up the Classroom Series

We were following the curriculum as prescribed, but it called for long sessions of whole group "discussions" which never played out the way they did in the teacher's guide. Math Field Trips. Games & Puzzles. How I stumbled onto problem-solving. This is a story of how I ended up with problem-solving at the (sometimes) center of my classroom.

How I stumbled onto problem-solving

It happened, more or less, by accident, and now I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. Here's the short version: I used to start by teachering* for about 10 minutes, then easing students into practice work with choices. That was going just OK. Now, though, I'm starting with exploratory problem sets and reacting with small-group instruction and explanations and activities that react to how folks are doing on the problems. That's going way better. *Teachering is like plain old teaching, but with my teacher voice. This past September I told kids that every day there would be a "Warm Up" assignment ready for them when they walked in. *I'm teacher-uneducated, so my teaching education has really been scrapped together from experience, books and blogs. Some kids started finishing the Warm Up early, and wanted to know what they were supposed to do.

5 Fun and Mathematical Ways to Teach Your Child About Money. This is a guest post by Troy Edwards who writes for the “What is Economics?”

5 Fun and Mathematical Ways to Teach Your Child About Money

Blog. For many of today’s students, having to take and master math has as much appeal as a visit to the dentist. For this reason, the savvy parent recognizes that a little “creativity” and fun can go a long way. It can be considered the equivalent of a mother administering a little honey with a spoon of medicine to make it more palatable. It’s accepted better. photo credit: ~jjjohn~ Since money is a currency of exchange that kids can understand and relate to, there are many ways to work monetary concepts into exercises, real life examples, and games to achieve educational goals. Here are a few things to consider. With this in mind, here are 5 fun and mathematical ways to teach your child about money. 1. Photo credit: merfam.

Math Manipulative Ideas

Flickr Assignment Roundup. I spent the better part of December blogging about the flickr assignment I developed and the process and product of the rubric that we generated.

Flickr Assignment Roundup

It seems to have struck a chord with some folks as I continue to get email from people asking about the both the process and product. Once again, accessing my "outboard brain" (this blog -- kudos again to Brian for that metaphor) I've compiled all the posts about the project here in the order that they were published. See the end for an update on how the assignment has evolved since I last wrote about it. »Flickring Mind Maps ... making learning stickyDescription and structure of the assignment and assessment. Some hurdles that were overcome.»Flickring AssessmentI was displeased with some of the results. This rubric was published to all the class blogs.

Having the students assess their work and hand it in, I feel, made them more accountable for their grades. Flickr Assignment Rubric v1.0 - We're Out of Beta! Here is the rubric we've settled on together.

Flickr Assignment Rubric v1.0 - We're Out of Beta!

It's been an exhilarating experience watching the kids develop this. There were several points where Lani and I asked pointed questions about things that needed to be considered. Not everyone participated online. A few more participated in the class discussions we had. We never really got 100% of the students involved but those that did participate made excellent contributions to the document and the thinking behind it.

Looking back at the process and the thinking that went into it I find it interesting how the Hot Spot category earned the greatest attention and discussion. The introduction to the rubric below was added last night as a footnote by one of the students summarizing their input on the document. Anyway, here it is, version 1.0 fresh out of beta. ;-)

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