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Welcome to MattePainting.Org. Learning Concept Art and Matte Painting. Munozvelazquez - Tutorials. Feng Zhu Design. Making of the Futuristic City. Hi everyone. This is Sourav Dhar and here I present a brief description of the making of my matte painting “Futuristic City”. As this is not a video tutorial, I could not express all the detailed painting and adjustment processes which I used. However I have covered as much as possible with the key steps involved in the making. I have not made this painting from scratch. I have a passion for photography and I take a lot of references from photographs for matte paintings with realistic textures that can be incorporated into live action footage’s. I thought of developing this particular painting after watching the following photograph. Next, I went for a quick scribbling to fix my composition. Before starting the detailing process, I settled the overall final structure of my futuristic buildings.

Then it was time to add the details of the far background, the distant building. Making of Dead City. I started this project with quick doodle. The idea was to depict the derelict demolished city inhabited with living zombies. I decided to draw a big square surrounded with houses and a part of a blasted bridge. Such a broad space allows nice location of different characters, objects and other stuff. I drew the doodle in gray-scale mode, which further facilitated with application of photo-textures. Next stage of work was the search for references (I'm extremely fond of resource, which features plenty of good photos of excellent quality on nearly every topic). For multilay I used 40-50% transparency.

Further I concentrated on textures and details of the work: billboards, garbage, blasted bridge... Making of 'The Decline of Babel Myth – Jacobsen War' by Frederic St-Arnaud. The Idea The concept of this artwork was inspired by the famous movie Bladerunner in which, you can see amazing futuristic cityscapes. I always was fascinated by huge cities with thousand of buildings everywhere. When, I went in New York City last summer for Vacations after the Siggraph Convention in Boston, I decided to go on top of the empire State Building with my digital camera and I took hundreds of photos, from different angles. I finally chose 3 photos from of the West view of Manhattan to do this personal project during the winter season. My first idea was simply to increase the height of the foreground buildings by adding towers and antennas, but as I was working, I switched my mind and decided to add ships, far cities, bridges and new rivers. Concept Art I did around 4-5 concept art.

Fig. 01 Stitching The stitching step allows the artist to create very big image by pasting different photos of the same view into the same file. Fig. 02 Fig. 03 Footage Plate ready to work Fig. 04 The Sky. Photoshop Matte Painting in Easy Steps. Preview of Final Results Tutorial Resources Step 1 – Size Open the background stock. The size of the stock is width: 2250px and Height: 1500px. Step 2 – Smart Object Transform the background into a smart object. Step 3 – Smart Object Press double click in the smart object thumbnail. Step 4 – Edit Now a new window will pop up. Step 5 – Duplicate Now press Ctrl+J to duplicate the layer in case you need to go back to the original image.In this layer you will use the patch tool to hide undesired parts of the image. Step 6 – Duplicate and Change color Press Ctrl+J to duplicate the layer and then press Ctrl+U and in the option saturation put -70.

Step 7 – Save The the changes you made to the smart object press ctrl + S and close the window. Step 8 – River Now go to folder you have the stocks and grab the image of the river. Step 9 – Layer Mask Create a layer mask to erase the undesired parts of the image. Step 10 – Hue and Saturation Reduce the Saturation to -60. Step 11 – Apply to one object.