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7 Laws of Technology for Marketers. Not every marketer needs to be a technologist.

7 Laws of Technology for Marketers

But given how deeply technology is now entwined in modern marketing, every marketer should be familiar with the essential laws of technology that effect your strategies and operations. Here are seven laws of technology that every marketer should know — along with a few nuggets of techno-culture that make for great beer conversation with the IT department: 1. Free Portable Software USB Flash Drive Applications.

Applications Portables. Framakey : Main => Index. Gamification. About the Course Gamification is the application of digital game design techniques to non-game contexts, such as business, education, and social impact challenges.


Video games are the dominant entertainment form of modern times because they powerfully motivate behavior. Game mechanics can be applied outside the immersive environments of games themselves, to create engaging experiences as well as assign rewards and recognition. Over the past few years, gamification adoption has skyrocketed. - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives. Netquiz Pro, un créateur d'exercices à publier sur un ordinateur ou sur le web.

