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Home Design, Garden & Architecture Blog Magazine. Gardening can be both fun and annoying, but with the right tips and tricks you will only notice the fun and pleasant moments.

Home Design, Garden & Architecture Blog Magazine

If gardening is your passion, but you feel it a bit challenging at times, this next list of tips will make your life and your gardening activities a little bit easier. Garden weeds are the ones that will give you the most headaches, but you can make your own weed killer and it will be super-efficient. You will find the recipe by clicking on the following link and the mixture will also be a non-toxic one. You will also find ideas about how to use of everyday objects in your garden, such as plastic forks or eggshells in order to become a more efficient and successful gardener. The next link contains a selection of 12 amazing gardening hacks that will simply blow your mind and you’ll want to share it with everybody afterwards. 1. More details here… 2. More details here… 3. More details here… 4. 5. 6.

Home Design, Garden & Architecture Blog Magazine. A root cellar is the perfect solution if you have a lot of extra vegetables in your home throughout the year.

Home Design, Garden & Architecture Blog Magazine

If you’re not the kind of person which likes to keep canned goods, the root cellar is definitely the way to go. But what’s the best way you could make a root cellar and not spend a lot of money on it? Concrete blocks and wood which are commonly used to build this are not that cheap. Instead, an old refrigerator can be repurposed so creatively. There is some digging involved though.

More ideas… Vivre en autarcie. A la campagne, dès lors qu’on est l’heureux propriétaire d’un petit lopin de terre et d’une caravane, il est tentant d’envisager de vivre dans un habitat précaire sur son terrain, dans ses champs ou ses bois, pour tenter l’expérience autarcique.

Vivre en autarcie

Attention, cependant, le chemin est semé d’embûches, notamment sur le plan réglementaire. Un petit mode d’emploi administratif si vous voulez vous la couler douce dans votre caravane, sans trop vous prendre la tête : Stationnement temporaire et annexe à la résidence Il est possible sans aucune formalité pour une période inférieure à 3 mois d’entreposer sa caravane, dans l’attente d’une prochaine utilisation, sur le terrain où est implantée la construction constituant la résidence de l’utilisateur.

Stationnement durable En aucun cas, vous ne devez ôter à la caravane ses moyens de mobilité (roues), car alors elle serait considérée comme une construction illégale et vous seriez passible de poursuites devant le tribunal de grande instance. StoveTec Rocket Stove Review – a cleaner and eco-friendly way to cook. I just love cooking on my four burner natural gas kitchen stove.

StoveTec Rocket Stove Review – a cleaner and eco-friendly way to cook

I equally enjoy cooking on my propane BBQ that burns my chicken and steaks just right. I simply love to cook. But what happens when I have to go to the tried and true method of preparing food over an open fire. After all, the propane will eventually run out and the service to my gas main might experience an outage. I might be on a camping trip and have the hankering to cook something more complex than beans and hot dogs. Rocket Stove People have been cooking on rocket stoves for centuries and with incredible results. StoveTec Rocket Stove I didn’t take much more time on the internet to find this little gem. With the order placed and credit card hit, I waited for it to come to my door. We set off on this journey with the stove, five quart cast iron pot, four pounds of pork shoulder and a bundle of fire wood.

Eco Zoom Rocket Stove. Rocket stoves have gained popularity around the world for their efficiency.

Eco Zoom Rocket Stove

Many were developed to address the twin problems of people who have to cook with wood fuel in developing countries, and of ill health caused through smoke inhalation and shortages of available fuel. The Eco Zoom Versa Rocket Stove was created to meet just such criteria and in fact there are now thousands of them in use in East Africa. It uses 60% less fuel than traditional cooking methods and due to highly efficient combustion emits 70% less smoke.

Rocket stoves are also becoming popular here with a demand largely stimulated by people wanting a back up to their domestic power. The Eco Zoom I have been testing certainly worked in an urban environment and would be an ideal choice for emergency preparedness, but it really is far too useful to label it as just a standby item. It consists of a metal container which is lined with ceramic insulation and has a refactory metal inner liner to the combustion chamber.