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Photoshop Tuts

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Create a Vintage Memorabilia Poster. This tutorial will show you how to create a conceptual vintage-themed poster of the Design Instruct South Expedition to Cape Horn in 1975.

Create a Vintage Memorabilia Poster

We will be mixing images, grunge brushes, textures and more to achieve the final design. The design process involves Photoshop filters, layer masks, trendy typography techniques as well as the use of Adobe Illustrator to create a stylish circular badge logo. Create a Surreal Upside Down Mountain Painting in Photoshop. In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to create a surreal upside down mountain illustration using digital painting techniques in Photoshop.

Create a Surreal Upside Down Mountain Painting in Photoshop

This piece was part of SlashThree’s latest Paradigm Shift Exhibition. Tutorial Assets. Colorization Using Optimization.