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Advent Calendar – Calendario de Adviento » Jo's Loft. Inspired by many of the beautiful advent calendars I shared yesterday, I made this one over the weekend. Like last year, I decided to make an activity advent calendar with a mix of fun and thoughtful activities. Each day the kids open an envelope and we do the activity together. Whether it be making turrón, doing some charitable act or playing a holiday game.Inspirada por los calendarios de adviento que compartí ayer, hice uno para la familia. Al igual que el año pasado, lo hice con actividades, algunos divertidos y otros significativos. Cada día los niños abren un sobre y juntos hacemos la actividad que toca. Sea hacer turrón, un acto de caridad o jugar juegos navideños. In case you feel like making your own, here is the printed list of activities and numbers. CURTIDOS VILLAVERDE S.A. Aesthetic Nest.

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» Blog Archive » Stamp Carving tutorial- Tutorial Sellos de goma. English I love to carve stamps! Is one of my favorite crafts. I love the endless posibilities it offers and the wonderful results I get. A single stamp can be used for so many things, and I keep discovering more and more uses..Its wonderful to customize your things and really make them unique. Thank you for encouraging to put together this tutorial. It was a new creative challenge for me and I had fun doing it, so I´m happy to share it now with you!

To hand carve your own stamps you will need List of materials: 1.– Carving tools you can find online here. 2. 3. 4. 5.- An exacto knife to trim the excess around your stamp design. 6.- Inkpad Step by step instructions 1 and 2– Trace the size of your eraser on paper, so you know how big your drawing can be. 3. 4 and 5 .- Place the drawing on top of your eraser upside down. 6. 7 and 8. 9,10, 11 .- With the carving tool, very carefully start carving the eraser. 12.– When the stamp is carved, stamp it on ink.check if you need to make any corrections. xo, 1. 2. Garnlindad skolåda -Yarn wrapped shoe box. Om man kan klä gamla glasflaskor med garn så borde man kunna göra detsamma med gamla skokartonger, eller hur?

/If you can dress up old glass bottles with yarn you should be able to do the same thing with old shoe boxes, right? Den här gången använde jag betydligt tjockare garn (för stickor nr 8 ) och det gick snabbt att täcka lådan. I övrigt använde jag en skokartong, decoupage-lim, en pensel och lite mönstrat papper. Vira inte garnet ända upp till kanten för då går det inte att sätta på locket längre. Lockets kanter täckte jag också med garn och avslutade det hela med att täcka ovansidan av locket med mönstrat papper som jag klistrade fast med samma lim som garnet. Just nu innehåller lådan… garn. A knit and crochet community.


ReadyMade. Re-purposing: Tshirts into 5-strand-braided-headbands. I was walking through Target a few weeks ago and noticed this little knit fabric headband that was not just braided together…….but woven. I decided they were charging way too much for something that could be made with t-shirt scraps. And that means free. So there you have it. A nice and easy project to give my bad-hair-day head some love. (Or you may need one for working out. Or washing your face. I kinda love it on my little girl . She always has little hair fly-aways that get into her face…….and this helps with that problem. It even works great with her hair down…..and keeps that hair tucked behind her ears.

And yep, good for me too. Thanks little t-shirt scraps. Want to make your own? First, find some old t-shirts. Then, cut your fabric into long strips. Next, stack your 5 strips on top of each other and sew together at one end. Now, pull on each strip of fabric so that they kind of curl on the edges. But let me explain a little better. First, you’ll work on the left side. And that’s it.


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