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Branding Your School

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How to write a Brand Plan | Beloved Brands. A smart Brand Plan gets everyone in your organization on the same page, all driving against the same vision, key issues, strategies, and tactics. Have you ever notice that those people who say “we need to get everyone on the same page” rarely have ONE page? People who use the term “few bigger bets” always seem to be fans of those small little projects that deplete resources.

And, the person who says they are “good at decision-making” usually struggle when facing a decision and then try to justify both options. A smart Brand Plan should focus and organize the team. Allocation of your limited resources A smart Brand Plan makes choices in how to allocate your brand’s limited resources to drive the biggest return. An effective Brand Plan answers where are we, why are we here, where could we be, how can we get there and what do we need to do. While there is a lot of work with our planning process, you will end up with a Brand Plan on ONE PAGE.

Brand Plan Rough Outline Elements of the Brand Plan. Introduction to Brand Strategy: 7 Essentials for a Strong Company Brand. Let's say you've come to the difficult realization that quite frankly your brand -- if you can even call it that -- is all over the place. Or perhaps worse, you have a defined brand, but you're noticing that it just doesn't seem to mesh with who you really are and what you really do. Don't panic.

Before you get all hung up on what shade of green to use for your logo or what tone you're going to use when engaging with people on Twitter, you need to step back and take a look at the big picture. Let's clear up the biggest misconception about brand strategy: Your brand is not your product, your logo, your website, or your name. So to help you rein in what many marketers consider more of an art and less of a science, we've broken down seven essential components of a comprehensive brand strategy that will help keep your company around for ages. For even more brand strategy tips, download our free guide to branding here. 1) Purpose "Every brand makes a promise. Our advice? 2) Consistency 3) Emotion. The Power of Branding (Book Review) I am going to start off by saying that there is something about the term “Branding” in connection with schools that just throws me off.

I think in education, where our work is so “human”, the term “branding” just doesn’t sit well, although I do understand why people use it. Sharing your story in schools though, is especially important today, not because it was not important before, but it is just easier to do so. That being said, I decided to read the book “The Power of Branding; Telling Your School’s Story”, by Tony Sinanis and Joseph Sanfelippo, not necessarily because I was interested in “branding”, but I have known of both of the writer’s work in schools and how they were doing great things, and wanted to see what they shared. I will have to admit that I wasn’t sure what I was going to think of the book, but right away, it was more than about “branding”, but was more about “leading with the heart” and building connections. If you are interested in the book, here is the link.