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Talking about information, knowledge and ignorance

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Ota kantaa: mikä on totta? - Media - Kulttuuri. Pitäisikö tupakointi lopettaa raskauden ajaksi? Tulisiko arjenhallintataitoihin panostaa entistä enemmän? Niinistö ei halunnut selittää lausuntoaan vaan sanoi, että lukija kyllä ymmärtää. Mitä uskot Niinistön tarkoittaneen? Tuoreen tutkimuksen mukaan jo pieni määrä alkoholia voi vaikuttaa juomahalukkuuteen myöhemmin. Mitä mieltä olet tästä tutkimustuloksesta? Siinä muutamia kysymyksiä, joita valtamediaan kuuluvat viestimet ovat viime aikoina esittäneet Facebookissa sinulle, kansalainen. Facebookissa perinteinen media usein luopuu (näennäisesti) asiantuntijaroolistaan, koska tietäminen ja neuvominen eivät kuulu ajan henkeen. Sosiaalinen media on upea mahdollisuus demokratialle. Sosiaalisessa mediassa kuitenkin joka päivä on aprillipäivä. Totuuden suhteellistumisen toisessa päässä on tahallinen valehtelu, väärän tiedon systemaattinen levitys.

Tarina ruokasoodan parantavasta vaikutuksesta syöpään löytyy sivustolta, jonka nimi on nykyään MV-lehti (aiemmin Internet searches create illusion of personal knowledge, research finds -- ScienceDaily. Searching the Internet for information may make people feel smarter than they actually are, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. "The Internet is such a powerful environment, where you can enter any question, and you basically have access to the world's knowledge at your fingertips," said lead researcher Matthew Fisher, a fourth-year doctoral candidate in psychology at Yale University. "It becomes easier to confuse your own knowledge with this external source. When people are truly on their own, they may be wildly inaccurate about how much they know and how dependent they are on the Internet. " In a series of experiments, participants who searched for information on the Internet believed they were more knowledgeable than a control group about topics unrelated to the online searches.

For nine experiments, a range of 152 to 302 participants were recruited online, with different participants taking part in each experiment. “Google It” Better With Google Search Education. As librarians, one of our key missions is to equip students with the skills necessary to locate and synthesize the information. We want to teach our students to access high-quality resources and use databases to conduct research. What do our students want to do? Just Google it, of course. I find many of my students lack the ability to conduct simple searches on Google to find the answers they are seeking. I’ve watched my middle schoolers repeatedly type in the question (verbatim, including the question mark), expecting to find everything they could possibly need to know to answer their question in the top three or four results. More than anything, I want to teach my students research skills they will actually apply and use regularly.

Google Search Education has as collection of Search Literacy Lesson Plans on topics including picking the right search terms, narrowing a search to get the best results, and evaluating the credibility of sources. Tiffany Whitehead. British army creates team of Facebook warriors | UK news. The British army is creating a special force of Facebook warriors, skilled in psychological operations and use of social media to engage in unconventional warfare in the information age.

The 77th Brigade, to be based in Hermitage, near Newbury, in Berkshire, will be about 1,500-strong and formed of units drawn from across the army. It will formally come into being in April. The brigade will be responsible for what is described as non-lethal warfare. Both the Israeli and US army already engage heavily in psychological operations. Against a background of 24-hour news, smartphones and social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, the force will attempt to control the narrative.

The 77th will include regulars and reservists and recruitment will begin in the spring. An army spokesman said: “77th Brigade is being created to draw together a host of existing and developing capabilities essential to meet the challenges of modern conflict and warfare. Army sets up new brigade 'for information age' 31 January 2015Last updated at 09:44 ET The Army is setting up a new unit that will use psychological operations and social media to help fight wars "in the information age".

Head of the Army General Sir Nick Carter said the move was about trying to operate "smarter". The 77th Brigade, made up of reservists and regular troops and based in Hermitage, Berkshire, will be formally created in April. It has been inspired by the Chindits who fought in Burma in World War Two. 'Bespoke skills' An Army spokesman said the unit would "play a key part in enabling the UK to fight in the information age" and that it "consists of more than just traditional capabilities".

The Army, led by Gen Sir Nick Carter, could face cuts following the general election He said: "77 Brigade is being created to draw together a host of existing and developing capabilities essential to meet the challenges of modern conflict and warfare. Its members will come from the Royal Navy and RAF as well as from the Army. Analysis. German-Ignorance-2014. Hans and Ola Rosling: How not to be ignorant about the world | Talk Subtitles and Transcript. Hans Rosling: I'm going to ask youthree multiple choice questions.Use this device. Use this device to answer.The first question is, how did the numberof deaths per yearfrom natural disaster,how did that change during the last century? Did it more than double,did it remain about the same in the world as a whole,or did it decrease to less than half?

Please answer A, B or C.I see lots of answers. This is much faster than I do it at universities.They are so slow. They keep thinking, thinking, thinking.Oh, very, very good. And we go to the next question.So how long did women 30 years oldin the world go to school:seven years, five years or three years? And we go to the next question.In the last 20 years, how did the percentageof people in the worldwho live in extreme poverty change? So I went to the zoo and I asked the chimps. Let's look at the next answer here: women in school.Here, you can see men went eight years.How long did women go to school? So how come? What about poverty? Look here.