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[DRAFT] Stanford bootcamp notes from July 2012 1 - Weblog - Between Creativity & Pragmatism | Joseph Rueter. July 2012 - Expanded Notesd.thinking Modes: Empathize. Define. Ideate. Prototype. I attended at Stanford for their July bootcamp. I'm writing this for my benefit. The Design Thinking process includes the following "modes:" Empathize. So… on with the show. Design Thinking seems like a practice.

Empathize I was struck by the contrast between the rigor of Stanford, an institution (e.g. brand) of the "mind," you might say, powerfully championing deep interest in other humans. It's simple. The tricky part about Empathize is that you have to take your face and your body and go meet a stranger and be genuinely curious in them and what they are doing and felling. "Bias toward action" is a phrase I saw written on boards and mentioned through to the d.bootcamp. And having a Bias toward action leads me to a brilliant phrase I heard and really dig… "Don't get ready. So… Empathizing… just do it. Define Is a process of packaging what was learned in the Empathize mode. Ideate Prototype. Top Wireframing Tools for Designers. Advertisement Once upon a time, and sometimes still referred to as a blueprint, or a skeleton outline, a wireframe is a low-fi version of a conceptual website design.

Normally, it is a visual representation of a basic website layout structure and navigation system. This allows the designer to easily change major site components and collaborate with their team members and clients to build a solid layout before going into the actual design process. This allows the designer to rapidly revise the user interface design elements of a website and specify interactive features, evaluate overall effectiveness of the layout, and determine web development requirements.

Here are 5 of my favorite Wireframing tools to help you on your next project: Balsamiq Mockups Balsamiq Mockups has become one of the most popular wireframing tools on the web. UXPin UXPin is a series of multifaceted tools for UX designers. Cacoo Mockingbird Graph Paper I hope that some of these tools help you on your next project. Life Below 600px | Paddy Donnelly. Some people would have you believe that you aren't reading this. Why? Because it's not 'above the fold'. Above the fold - a graphic design concept that refers to the location of an important news story or a visually appealing photograph on the upper half of the front page of a newspaper.

But you are reading it, aren't you? Even if it goes even further down the page, way below the fold. You're still reading. Pretty crazy, huh? I think I've made my point. Many web designers, after presenting a site design, hear the client worriedly ask 'But, where is the fold?! ' And there goes any sense of white space, readability and story telling you had planned for their site • The fold is one of those guidelines that has been thrown about so much that it's now become a 'rule' of web design (or maybe more appropriately a 'ball and chain' of web design) with web designers blindly obeying without question.

Web design adopted this idea, basing their integration of the concept upon the most common browser sizes. Startups, This Is How Design Works – by Wells Riley. Skype Brand Book.