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Bittorrent Podcasting road map. Gt;> Le WebCast littéraire. Converting Articles Into Audio Podcasts - Robin Good's Late. How do I download and install the LAME MP3 encoder? Free Audio Editor and Recorder. Blog schmog: Say it with a podcast. Podcasting Station. How Podcasting Works. I’ve been doing a lot of talking about podcasting recently: explaining to people what it is, and how they can do it, and how they can listen, and how it works. I thought it might be useful to provide a very simple step by step illustration of how to “subscribe to a podcast.” I’ll use the podcast for BBC’s From Our Own Correspondent as an example. If you visit the show’s website, you’ll see a new “XML” button labelled “subscribe to the series of podcasts” and providing a URL for the “podcast feed:” The “podcast feed” URL is the address of a specially encoded page on the BBC’s server that contains information about the podcast.

If you look at it in a web browser, it will look confusing But you’re not meant to look at this “raw” data; instead you copy the URL into a piece of “podcatching” software — a sort of “radio” to podcasting’s “transmitter.” The result? And that’s it. If you have any questions about how to do this yourself, feel free to ask in the comments to this post. Podcasting et vidéoblogging, l’avenir des blogs ? Par Cyril Fievet le 16/02/05 | 35 commentaires | 12,824 lectures | Impression On s’était habitué au fait que la blogosphère se compose uniquement de textes et d’images. Mais l’écrit pourrait bien être en train de se faire – à nouveau – voler la vedette par le son et la vidéo. Bienvenue dans le monde du podcasting. A l’écoute des fils RSS Le terme “podcasting” est un néologisme formé à partir de “iPod”, le baladeur numérique d’Apple, et de broadcasting (diffusion). Ce sont deux développeurs, Adam Curry et Dave Winer, blogueurs de renom et même acteurs du monde du blogging et de la syndication RSS, qui ont les premiers jeté les bases du concept.

Il n’en fallait pas beaucoup plus pour que la blogosphère s’empare du concept, qui suscite aujourd’hui un intérêt considérable. On dénombre actuellement une bonne quinzaine d’outils, pour toutes plates-formes, destinés à diffuser ou à lire des podcasts*. Le principe de fonctionnement du podcasting est simple. Exemple de lecteur RSS dédié : iPodderX. Podcasting Explained. RSS Specifications Podcasting Explained What is Podcasting Podcasting is quickly becoming a buzz word among the techie crowd. So what is podcasting, anyway? Podcasting is online audio content that is delivered via an RSS feed. Many people liken podcasting to radio on demand. However, in reality, podcasting gives far more options in terms of content and programming than radio does.

Listeners can retain audio archives to listen to at their leisure. Podcasting can be used for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Podcasting is the syndication of audio files using RSS. The audio file that makes the feed a podcast rather than a standard RSS feed is contained in the 'enclosure' tag. Although the "enclosure" tag is not new to RSS feeds and has been included in the RSS v2.0 specification for about four years, podcasting has only really been around since August of 2004. Webmasters are finding creative ways to provide media-rich content.

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