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Property, intangible. Patent Progress | Useful Information and Timely Analysis for Navigating the High-Tech Patent Landscape. The Future of HADOPI « Copyright and Technology. Posted by Bill Rosenblatt in Economics, Europe, Law. Trackback A recently-released report from the French government, Rapport sur les autorités publiques indépendantes (Report on the Independent Public Authorities), includes a section on HADOPI (Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des oeuvres et la protection des droits sur internet), the regulatory body set up to oversee France’s “graduated response” law for issuing warnings and potentially punishments to online copyright infringers. The headline that most Anglophone writers took away from the 24 pages in this report that were devoted to HADOPI was “HADOPI’s budget to be cut by 23%.” These writers took their cues from anti-HADOPI statements by various French politicians — including new French President Francois Hollande — and mischaracterized a statement about HADOPI by the French culture minister, Aurélie Filippetti.

Unfortunately, none of these people appear to have actually read the government report. Like this: Like Loading... Dr. Strangelaw or: How Portugal Learned to Stop Worrying and Love P2P. Dr. Strangelaw or: How Portugal Learned to Stop Worrying and Love P2P On January 5, 2011, representatives of ACAPOR (a Portuguese association representing commercial retailers of cultural and entertainment works), wearing t-shirts with the slogans “piracy is illegal” and “1000 complaints per month”, filed a petition with the Prosecutor General’s Office (“PGO”) giving notice of the practice of 1000 acts of alleged usurpation of authors’ rights via peer-to-peer (“p2p”) networks by unknown individuals.

Said petition was supplemented in April 2011, with notice of a further 1.000 acts. Following an Opinion by the PGO (“PGO Opinion”), the Department of Investigation and Penal Action (“DIAP”) of Lisbon decided not to file any criminal charges in relation to the notices; an integral copy of this decision was made available online by a main Portuguese newspaper on September 27, 2012 (“Decision”). Legal basis Background Analysis Investigation, Technology and Presumptions Reactions. The IPKat. Digging for Truth. Cyberlaw Clinic. Patent Law Blog (Patently-O): Guest Post by Paul Cole of the UK firm of Lucas & Co.

According to BBC News last Friday, Apple has succeeded in the German courts in enforcing a patent for a user interface feature for its mobile devices. The ruling demonstrates the value of European patents for "software" inventions where a "technical" effect can be demonstrated. The claims in the granted patents and the problems that they solve provide insight about what features of a user interface might be regarded as "technical" by the EPO. The advantages to a software developer of being able to patent innovative interface features that are important to the "look and feel" of the device and the software running on it are self-evident. The affirmed patent is EP-B-1964022 which relates to the "slide to unlock" feature found in iPhones. A copy of the decision is not yet available online, but study of the online file of the European patent application (which was not opposed after grant) is instructive.

Derecho a LEER. SOPA / PIPA. El Blog de Enrique Dans. The Intellogist Blog. Overview of WIPO Panel Views on Selected UDRP Questions, Second Edition ("WIPO Overview 2.0") © 2011 World Intellectual Property Organization Decision-making authority under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and Rules (UDRP) lies exclusively with the appointed panels. To assist awareness of their views on certain questions that commonly arise in proceedings under the UDRP, the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center has produced the following update and extension of its informal overview of panel positions on key procedural and substantial issues.

This WIPO Overview 2.0 includes new decision references supporting each line of opinion, with over 380 decisions (formerly 100) from over 180 (formerly 80) different UDRP panelists now listed. Reflecting the evolution of the Domain Name System and UDRP jurisprudence, the number of issues included in the WIPO Overview has doubled. While some of these issues arise only infrequently, all of them are, or are perceived to be, relevant to the operation of the UDRP. UDRP Policy UDRP Rules WIPO Supplemental Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. IPDuck. Naomi Jane Gray - Shades of Gray Law - copyright bay area | copyright san francisco | copyright california | Copyright infringement bay area | copyright infringement San Francisco | Copyright infringement California | Copyright Bay Area | Copyright San Fr.

:: The Future of the Internet — And How to Stop It. Center for the Study of the Public Domain. The Center for the Study of the Public Domain is proud to announce the publication of Theft! A History of Music. The book is a graphic novel (aka "comic book") laying out a 2000 year history of musical borrowing from Plato to rap. The comic, by James Boyle, Jennifer Jenkins and the late Keith Aoki is available as a handsome 8.5 x 11″ paperback, and for free download under a Creative Commons license. Listen to co-author James Boyle discuss the comic on NPR’s The State of Things. Read what people are saying about the book: boing boing, DukeToday, Indy Weekly, Chronicle.

Public Domain Day: January 1, 2017 The Center marks Public Domain Day—when thousands of works enter the public domain around the world—with a celebration of what won’t be entering the public domain in the US. Is We Shall Overcome in the public domain? Fair use education Professor Jennifer Jenkins, Center Director, discusses the need for balance in educational programs on copyright and fair use for Consumerist. » Read more. La agenda pirata detrás del combate a la piratería — ALT1040. La legalidad es la máxima que los simpatizantes de ACTA y en general todas las leyes que tienen como objetivo criminalizar a potenciales consumidores, distribuídores callejeros, tecnologías o todo aquello que ponga en peligro la operación del monopolio cultural.

Para la industria todos somos piratas, pero afortunadamente la investigación que más de 30 investigadores realizaron durante 3 años, titulada Media Piracy in Emerging Economies, nos da la información necesaria para entender como surgió esta agenda, hacia dónde va y por qué hay que rechazarla. Por el contrario de lo que la industria predica, el estudio atribuye el incremento en los índices de piratería a la innovación tecnológica y las prácticas culturales que se asocian a ellas, y no a las pérdidas que la industria clama. Según esta investigación, las pérdidas siempre estan basadas en las de la industria estadunidense y no, en la de otras economías o incluso industrias extranjeras dentro de EE.UU.. Mercados secundarios. Intellectual Property Colloquium - Current Show. GOLD. Nota sobre las versiones en distintos idiomas: Si la página que desea consultar no está disponible todavía en español, quizá aparezca en pantalla la versión inglesa. Para seleccionar otro idioma utilice el menú desplegable de idiomas.

Lamentamos las molestias que pueda causar este procedimiento y les rogamos tengan paciencia mientras trabajamos para poner a disposición las versiones en otros idiomas. La OMPI es la principal fuente de datos en el mundo sobre el sistema de P.I., así como sobre estudios empíricos, informes y datos sobre P.I. Ya sea que se busque información estadística, jurídica o técnica, esta página es el portal hacia la singular colección de la OMPI de recursos y material de referencia. La P.I. y las bases de datos sobre tecnología Gracias a las bases de datos mundiales de la OMPI, cualquier persona puede fácilmente, desde cualquier lugar, acceder a la gran cantidad de información que contiene el sistema de P.I.

Base Mundial de Datos sobre Marcas Hague Express Artículo 6ter. Recording Industry vs. The People. William Fisher Homepage. Pamela Samuelson: Papers. Copyhype. Copyrights & Campaigns. Blog.