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Ze beginning. Create a Sleek Corporate Web Design (HD Video Series: Day 1) In this video series, we're going to walk you through how to create a sleek, professional web design for a corporate website. This is part 1 of a 4 part series - we'll also be finishing the support pages and coding the entire thing in HTML/CSS! Republished Tutorial Every few weeks, we revisit some of our reader's favorite posts from throughout the history of the site. This tutorial was first published in April of 2011. About this Tutorial Series Adi Purdila is going to walk us through an entire project - from design to coding - all here on Webdesigntuts this week!

Let's get started! Day One: Creating the Homepage Design In this first series of videos (about 2 hours total), Adi is going to walk through the homepage design in Photoshop. Day One: Part 1 Day One: Part 2 About the Author If you’re interested in the HTML Templates and Landing Pages I’m developing, you can check them out on my portfolio page on ThemeForest. " - Adi.

Converting a PSD to WordPress in 4 Steps. One of the most requested tutorials is a PSD to WordPress article, so here it is! A Net Plus tutorial on how to convert a PSD to a WordPress theme. A screencast in 2 parts; PSD to HTML, and then HTML to WordPress. We will be using iMike’s Green Blog Theme from Themeforest. Unfortunately, we wont be able to offer you the theme, however the final slices are available for download. For the screencasts, you will need the images in the download bundle unless you buy the PSD theme off iMike’s themeforest Our Design Table of Contents: Before we start, when converting a PSD file to an HTML document, I always try to map out large sections. Now because of the peculiar layout of the theme, with backgrounds that stretch to either side of the page, I’m not going to use the #wrapper approach that I always have. Let’s dive straight into it. Step one – HTML Open up index.html, and throw some default info in: Next, we’ll lay out our structure.

Finally we need to fill in the gaps. Sweet! Building a Custom “Search By Category” WordPress Plugin. With an ever increasing amount of content building on your WordPress site, your users will inevitably need to search your site to find that specific helpful article from way back. To help narrow the search results, I’m going to show you how to code a plugin that allows the user to search based on category. This tutorial includes a screencast available to Tuts+ Premium members. The first step in our plugin’s development is to decide on the feature set it’ll have, plus the amount of customization available. We want our plugin to have the following features and to allow for complete user customization: Reconfigure search based on selected categoryDrop-down list of categoriesAbility to hide categories with no posts from listAbility to exclude child categories from listOpton to disable our inbuilt stylingAbility to exclude specific categories from listAbility to use custom value in search boxAbility to use custom value for “In all categories” selection Creating the Skeleton for the Plugin.

Premium eBook: Rockstar WordPress Designer. How to Create a Web Service: Start to Finish. WordPress: Beginner to Master, Part 1. Throughout this six-part beginner-to-master series, we’ll be using the advanced features of WordPress to create our own portfolio & blog, complete with an options page, multiple styles and support for the new WordPress 2.7 features.

In day one, we’re handling the preparation and admin sections by creating our Options page. Also available in this series: Overview By the end of this series, we will have created Innovation – a premium-quality WordPress template perfect for showcasing a portfolio and hosting a blog; complete with the following features: Options page for handling the advanced nature of the template, without having to edit any files manually.3 built-in colour schemes – with easy switching between them.Homepage and Portfolio page templates, with a widget-ready footer and sidebar.Compatibility with WordPress 2.5+.Threaded & paged comments support for WordPress 2.7.A custom widget for displaying your latest posts, with a preview image, on your homepage. The plan for each day: Premium eBook: From Photoshop to HTML. In Photoshop to HTML, Nettuts+ editor Jeffrey Way takes you through the entire process of converting a design from Photoshop into a complete HTML/CSS website.

But this is NOT just an eBook. It also comes packed with extras: a directory of Photoshop, HTML and CSS files for you to use as you work through the book AND a series of 14 screencasts covering the whole project from beginning to end. Logged-in members can download this book’s screencasts at the bottom of this post. This eBook is for anyone who has an elementary understanding of HTML and CSS. You should be familiar with HTML tags and the most common CSS properties. Some of the topics covered in the book are as follows: About the Author Jeffrey Way is part of the Envato team. Premium eBook: Building WordPress Themes from Scratch. Walk through the steps you need to build your very own WordPress theme!

Included with the book is an example WordPress theme and other necessary files, so roll up your sleeves and let Joe take you through the process explaining what you need to do – and why you’re doing it – every step of the way. Hear from the Author “Hi, I’m Joe, the author of Building WordPress Themes From Scratch, and what started out as a simple, open source blogging platform has now become a super-powerful content management system (CMS) that can boast that it’s the most widely-used CMS on the Internet. From the moment I first started using WordPress about eight years ago, I fell in love with it straight away and immediately started hacking away at it, learning the platform, making my own changes, and watching it grow over the years. In this book, I plan to teach you how to use WordPress, as well as how to leverage the API to create your own custom themes, plugins, and content types.

Who This Book is For 1. 2. 3. 4. Premium eBook: Building WordPress Themes from Scratch. Premium eBook: From Photoshop to HTML. Premium eBook: Building WordPress Themes from Scratch. PHP Fundamentals. WordPress Plugin Development Essentials. Power A Facebook Page Using Wordpress. In this Premium tutorial I’ll be showing you how you can power a Facebook page using WordPress as a CMS. I’ll take you through the design styles and coding, before showing you how to install and implement the whole thing into Facebook with ease. Why Choose a Blog As a Facebook Page? If you’ve reached this stage of the tut then I’m presuming that most of you already have or are intending to have a WordPress setup as your website. The benefits of using WordPress as a content management system can often far outweigh those of a custom written one. Most web-savvy folk are aware of the benefits of having a Facebook page for a brand, a portfolio or a business.

Facebook describe: A Facebook Page gives a voice to any public figure or organization to join the conversation with their audience on Facebook. The Structure Before we get stuck into the tut, I just thought I’d give you a quick overview as to how this all fits together. Setting Up a Facebook Page. Power A Facebook Page Using Wordpress. PHP Fundamentals. The Modern PHP Developer. As the web’s most popular server-side language, PHP has been around for some time now; long enough to be met with ridicule on a daily basis!

Yet, somehow, despite the naysayers, it continues on its merry way, clutching the number one spot, in terms of users and popularity. Now, certainly, much of the criticism is warranted. In the past, PHP has seemingly sat on its hands more than other modern languages, such Python and Ruby. What if you’re just getting started in this industry? Luckily, in this developer’s opinion, the tables have begun to turn. We’re beginning to experience the next renaissance of PHP! But what if these new tools and frameworks mean nothing to you? Hopefully, this opinionated PHP-specific guide through Tuts+ Premium will help to fill in those gaps. Prerequisites Hold on there, partner. A Gentle Introduction Learning how to code is akin to stepping into a foreign country for the first time, where nobody speaks your language.

Read: PHP 101 Read: Getting Good With PHP. The MVC Mindset. PSD to Wordpress – Minimal Portfolio Theme. The Modern PHP Developer. WordPress Widgets: Front To Back.