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Peer To Patent. Pivotal Labs: Overview. We’ve been at the forefront of agile development for more than two decades building highly scalable mobile and web software that reaches across a variety of industry verticals, software platforms and device types. We help you bring a new product vision to market, accelerate your existing development efforts and prepare your team to bring agile practices home to strengthen your in-house development. As the leading provider of mobile and web solutions, we work with an amazing blend of Fortune 1000 companies and emerging startups. Our clients span across diverse industries including enterprise, financial services, media & entertainment, retail & hospitality, healthcare, education and startups.

We provide expertise in three competencies equally crucial to delivering the best product: design, development and product management. Integrating these roles is a key part of our agile process. We believe the only way to build truly great software is to assemble and educate great teams. Ruby on Rails Guides. Yii Framework: Best for Web 2.0 Development. 55 Great Web Development Frameworks. Web Development Framework is software designed to support and increase the efficiency of the development of a Websites, Web applications and Web services. Many frameworks provide libraries for database access, templating and session management, and they often promote code reuse. Web development can be tough – not only you have to code business logic, but you also have to do database work, user interface design, user experience design CSS, HTML, etc. and then the code needs to be secure, stable and able to cope with high load.

In this article I give you an overview of some of the best Web Development Frameworks. I really hope you find some of them useful as using frameworks may get you much faster to market and with an improved product. Advertisement PHP Evocore The Evocore framework distinguishes itself by the fact it doesn’t require PHP 5 to work! PHOCOA’s primary intent is to make web application development in PHP easier, faster, and higher-quality. Cake PhP Kohana Solar BlueShoes Limb3 Zend.

Demo - WPSHOWER - Free & Premium WordPress Themes. Suburbia Free WordPress Theme. Demo - WPSHOWER - Free & Premium WordPress Themes. Wpshower - Free & Premium Wordpress Themes. 60 Clean and Minimal Websites for Inspiration. During the last few months we have looked at using negative space and minimalist design. Today we bring you 60 of the best-looking minimalistic sites currently on the world wide web.

Sit back and get inspired… Minimal Design Keeping things simple is the whole purpose of minimal design. Why overcomplicate what's already a very full web with thousands more links and buttons?! In this roundup of images I have chosen 60 examples of clean and minimal designs which inspire me. Some of the sites have gone completely minimal without any effects apart from well laid out content, where as others choose to display the huge amount of content with sliders, drop downs and some very uniquely designed objects. Minimal design is actually a lot more difficult to achieve than you might think; keeping your designs clean but bursting with important information is a fine balance. 1: TouchTech 2: Weltunit Top feature: Well displayed products make this site straight to the point. 3: Polar Gold 4: Jason Drakeford. Thematic, A WordPress Theme Framework. Thematic is a free, open-source, highly extensible, search-engine optimized WordPress Theme Framework featuring 13 widget-ready areas, grid-based layout samples, styling for popular plugins, and a whole community behind it.

It’s perfect for beginner bloggers and WordPress development professionals. Download it from the official WordPress Themes Directory. Thematic Features Praise for Thematic “A theme framework that I highly recommend to anyone working with WordPress. Dig under the surface and you’ll see just how much power it’s got. Built on The Sandbox and then modified to add yet more functionality, I really can’t say enough good things about it.”Elliot Jay Stocks , web designer, author, & speaker “An amazing theme, back-end and design wise. “An open-source theme designed as a starting point for simple customisation, which also happens to look pretty darn good out of the box.”Best WordPress Themes Support for Thematic The Thematic Forums The Thematic Guide A guide to using Thematic. The Navigator: Premium WP Location Guide + Blog Preview. Ventura - Wordpress Corporate / Business Theme Preview.