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World's Most Beautiful Restaurant Dishes - Pictures of Restauran. San Francisco: Coi © Maren Caruso Dish: Inverted Cherry Tomato Tart.

World's Most Beautiful Restaurant Dishes - Pictures of Restauran

What Happens When: A Temporary Restaurant Installation by What Happens When. What Happens When is a temporary restaurant installation that transforms every 30 days.

What Happens When: A Temporary Restaurant Installation by What Happens When

It will live for 9 months in a reclaimed space in New York City and will change focus every month in order to explore what it means to feed people within the traditional constructs of dining, as well as creativity. Welcome to What Happens When! An inspirational experience created by a group creatives who have worked in and around the restaurant industry for the last 15 years. We've created objects, graphics, menus, music, spaces and websites for chefs, hotels, sandwich shops and even the “occasional” rogue grandmother.

We've worked from big to small, from slick to crafty, and throughout it all kept a log of our favorite, wackiest, and most precious creative ideas that never got made.

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