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Cyw_59_protest_law.pdf (application/pdf Object) Sdhg_1111_sdlife_geppert.pdf (application/pdf Object) 'Pilgrims of Truth, Pilgrims of Peace' Occupy San Diego Gardens 10.27.11. The Vatican meets the Wall Street occupiers. The report spoke of “the primacy of being over having,” of “ethics over the economy,” and of “embracing the logic of the global common good.” In a knock against those who oppose government economic regulation, the council emphasized “the primacy of politics — which is responsible for the common good — over the economy and finance.” It commented favorably on a financial transactions tax and supported an international authority to oversee the global economy. But Vatican officials were careful to say that their report was not a direct response to the worldwide demonstrations. “It is a coincidence that we share some views,” said Bishop Mario Toso, secretary of the council. “But after all, these are proposals that are based on reasonableness.” Indeed, and that may be a larger compliment to the “99 percent” activists.

Moreover, the Vatican office’s intervention shows that those protesting against a broken and unjust financial system are not expressing some marginal point of view. Oh really? Bill Black: What I'd Demand of the Fed. Bill Black: If I marched with Occupy Wall St. to the New York Fed, this is what I would demand - Bio William K. Black, author of THE BEST WAY TO ROB A BANK IS TO OWN ONE, teaches economics and law at the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC). He was the Executive Director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention from 2005-2007. He has taught previously at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin and at Santa Clara University, where he was also the distinguished scholar in residence for insurance law and a visiting scholar at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.

Black was litigation director of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, deputy director of the FSLIC, SVP and general counsel of the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, and senior deputy chief counsel, Office of Thrift Supervision. Transcript PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. End of Transcript Comments. Assisi 2011: A decisive stand for human dignity.