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A 12-Day Plan of Simple Writing Exercises. It’s the perfect time to restart your engine and get back into writing.

A 12-Day Plan of Simple Writing Exercises

Here, I offer up a 12-day plan of simple writing exercises to help you keep your creative juices flowing without eating up too much of your time. Follow this plan and in less than half a month, you’ll not only be impressed with what you’ve accomplished, but you may also have something worth publishing. The 12-Day Plan of Simple Writing Exercises Day 1: Write 10 potential book titles of books you’d like to write. Day 2: Create a character with personality traits of someone you love, but the physical characteristics of someone you don’t care for. Day 3: Write a setting based on the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen. Day 4: Write a letter to an agent telling her how wonderful you are. Day 5: Write a 20-line poem about a memorable moment in your life. How to improve writing skills with writing exercises. Exercises for Fiction Writers.

Exercises for Fiction Writers - Page 2. Characters on the Bus. When I was a senior in college, I took the city bus to and from school and took notes on my observations.

Characters on the Bus

And if you've ever taken the bus before, you will know that it is rich with characters and strange events, just waiting for a story to be told. So this post (and those that will follow after) are inspired by these trips. At the front of the bus, sits the guy who stands every time the bus driver makes a stop and opens up the doors. I wonder if he does that out of respect or as a way of announcing his self-proclaimed authority on the bus. I wait to see if he starts saluting the people who get on next. Nearby, I notice the guy who took several classes with me and takes the same same bus as I do who never remembers who I am. Sitting beside me, I notice the lady who wears a wool hat every day on the bus no matter what the weather is like. Sitting towards the back, a guy who takes a slurp of his drink and when he finishes his sip will say, "Arrgh, matey. " Random Logline Generator - Story/Scene ideas.

Plot Scenario Generator - StumbleUpon. Wonk Tools. Creative Writing Exercises: Make a Book Journal and Fill it with Discoveries! You need more than a beginning if you’re going to start a book.

Creative Writing Exercises: Make a Book Journal and Fill it with Discoveries!

If all you have is a beginning, then once you’ve written that beginning, you have nowhere to go. – Neil Gaiman Do you ever get stuck writing and you’re not sure where to go? Or stalled out in the midst of a writing project? If you’re looking for creative writing prompts that are specific to your work in progress, read on! Even if I think through the major parts of my WIP (work in progress), I sometimes find myself in need of additional inspiration and writing ideas. In addition to collecting photos, snippets of ideas, sketches and maps of my fictional towns in my journal, I use writing exercises to get me going. Listen to your character: I ask a specific character how he or she feels about what happened in the last scene. If you are really feeling brave and want to walk a mile in your character’s shoes, answer out loud in her/his voice.

Character monologue: now it’s really time to be brave. 5 Freewriting Secrets for Being a "Genius". You've heard of freewriting, certainly. At its most basic, it's about forcing your internal editor to stay away while you splash your most raw and unusual thoughts onto the page. In Accidental Genius: Using Writing to Generate Your Best Ideas, Insights, and Content (2nd edition, revised & updated), Mark Levy tells how he uses freewriting, not only to loosen up his writing muscles, but to solve business problems of all kinds.

Levy, author, writing teacher, and marketing strategist, shares a few "secrets" for making freewriting an indispensible tool: 5 Freewriting Tips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Levy elaborates on each of those tips, and many more, using anecdotes from many realms. Copyright (c) 2010 by Susan K. Creative writing prompts . com ideas for writers. Creative Writing Exercises for Craft. No matter what stage you're at with your writing, it's always beneficial to work on craft and technique.

Creative Writing Exercises for Craft

These creative writing exercises target common problems and weaknesses. Switch Point of View Both first person and third person have their strengths and weaknesses; what works for one story may not work for another. This creative writing exercise will help you observe the effect of writing in the point of view that's less familiar to you. A Day Without Modifiers While modifiers -- adjectives and adverbs -- can add to a story, too many, or the wrong ones, can bog down your prose and lead to weaker nouns and verbs. Avoid Back Story Unlike the other creative writing exercises on this list, this one asks you to work in another genre.

Listening for Dialogue Not everyone starts out with an ear for dialogue, but fortunately it can be developed, like any other skill. Description Creative Writing Exercise. Dragon Writing Prompts. As of today, that’s how many posts there are at Dragon Writing Prompts :-) I had vague thoughts of a prompt inspired by 1000 as I saw the number approaching. Well, no great original ideas popped into my head. No not-great original ones, either. ;-) So, since a picture’s worth 1000 words, I browsed through the writing area of for a picture prompt. (Click for larger view at the artist’s Worth1000 page.) Write a 1000 words inspired by the picture. Does the skeleton have something to do with death? 501 Writing Prompts. Random Writing Prompt Generators. Creative Writing Ideas & Creative Writing Tips.