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Cratejoy Subscription Box Marketplace. Unlimited books for just $9.95 a month. DragonBox - The multi-platform Math Game. Portal.

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Montana Grizzly Encounter. Mark Mullin in Portsmouth, NH | Running Social Network | MapMyRUN. RiverRun Bookstore: An independent bookstore providing the New Hampshire Seacoast with quality new and used books. | RiverRun Bookstore, Portsmouth NH. Art. News. Humor. Shortwave. CBS Radio Mystery Theater Old Time Radio Shows. Papercraft « Paper Modeling With The Toy Shop.

The Toy Shop was a wonderful computer program from the ’80s which allowed you to decorate and print twenty different paper models which actually move! It included all the dowels, wires, balloons, and so on which were required to create the models. I’ve enjoyed using this program on my Commodore 64 for many years, and now I am able to share these models with the paper modeling community so you can download and build your very own Toy Shop creations with any PC or Mac!

For more paper modeling with computers of yore, see my Paper Models – The Christmas Kit page! (Skip the chatter! Take me to the models!) ——————————– Paper Modeling, Card Modeling, Paper Craft, Paper Automata: Creating three-dimensional objects from a flat piece of paper is a favorite hobby of mine. For several years I have been fascinated with a program I used on my Commodore 64 called “The Toy Shop.”

I thoroughly enjoyed the models, but I became disenchanted with the quality and hassle of my Commodore printer. The Models.


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