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The webscale effect: 6 big shifts in computing, courtesy of the world’s largest web companies — Tech News and Analysis. In less than a month, Gigaom will host its seventh annual Structure conference examining the future of computing. Looking back to the first event in 2008, it’s stark how much has changed. The concepts of the day such as software as a service, cloud computing and big data have been validated and assimilated.

The new discussions are around ever-evolving techniques and architectures for consuming them, and how to deliver them at ever-greater scales. We owe this fast maturation, in large part, to the rise of companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Twitter, which have grown immensely since then and have had to address the problems that come with that size — in terms of users, data, and new types of devices and networks. To get a sense of this evolution, watch this video from 2009, featuring a panel of operations executives from sites including Facebook, Google, Microsoft and, um, MySpace. Cloud architectures and APIs Amazon CTO Werner Vogels at Structure 2011. New data architectures.

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