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Literature and traveling

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Budapest, Városnézés, Városnéző túra, Alternatív, Városnéző séta, Várostörténet, Várostúra, Műemlék, Látnivaló, Épület, Főváros, Nevezetesség / túrák. Literary Places » In the Footsteps of Literary Characters » Literary Travel. What Goethe saw. Rome and Her Expat Writers. By Jessica | November 17th, 2011 Even those who aren’t literature buffs likely know how popular Rome is and has been to writers. Thanks to today’s guest post by Amber Ruth Paulen, you’ll have an even better idea of how many writers over the centuries have been impacted by The Eternal City – and you’ll be able to pay your respects to them when you visit, since Amber has thoughtfully listed the locations of places mentioned in her post at the bottom.

Thanks, Amber! “Oh Rome! My country! City of the soul!” The attraction of the writer to Rome is as indissoluble as lovers. It’s easy to see that idea still prevails. Is inspiration inherent in ruins, in the elegance of an Empire reduced to rubble? In the 17th to 19th century, writers came to Rome in thick droves: Grand Tourists, Romantics, Victorians. Goethe in the Campagna by Tischbein Johann Wolfgang von Goethe came to Italy in 1786 and stayed in the country for two years. The Romantics Keats' Gravestone Portrait of Beatrice Cenci The Victorians. Articles: Italy- in the footsteps of Keats | Sarfraz Manzoor.

John Keats monument - Himetop. Guy’s Hospital’s colourful history goes on display [15 February 2007] London SE1 website teamLondon SE1 community website London SE1 community website Princesses, prostitutes, poets and physicians all figure in the history of Guy's Hospital which is being celebrated with a new permanent exhibition. The mini-museum set up by Guy's and St Thomas' Charity can be found in Atrium 1 at Guy's Hospital with free admission for patients, their families and other visitors to the hospital. "Gathering all of the objects and stories has been a fascinating experience and it is rewarding to see them all come together in this dynamic display," says Karen Sarkissian, director of art and heritage at the charity.

The museum is divided into three areas: The Mysterious Mr Guy, Mr Guy's Southwark and Mr Guy's Hospital. The Mysterious Mr Guy is Thomas Guy, bookseller, printer and publisher, who funded the original building in 1721. Mr Guy's Southwark explores the area's past. Poet John Keats was a medical student at Guy's from 1814. Unable to obtain news list from the database.

Great Gatsby Boat Tour. Top 10 Literary Cities. Stockholm, Sweden Inventor Albert Nobel put Stockholm on the international literary map a century ago with the Nobel Prizes, which laud the achievements of writers along with those of scientists and peace activists. Head to City Hall, site of the annual December awards banquet and an iconic landmark in its own right.

In the on-site restaurant Stadshuskällaren, savor the cuisine served at the most recent Nobel dinner. For a not-so-highbrow thrill, take the Stockholm City Museum’s guided Millennium Tour to see places depicted in Stieg Larsson’s bestselling crime novel and its two sequels. Portland, Oregon If it weren’t for a color-coded map, customers might get lost among the stacks at Powell’s City of Books. For more literary immersion, see what’s scheduled at the renowned Portland Arts and Lectures series (September through May). Washington, D.C. Start uncovering the capital city ’s bookish side at the Library of Congress, founded in 1800 and still the world’s largest library. Touring Literature's Places. Inspiration comes from many sources, and authors tend to leave as much of themselves as they take from their surroundings. This month's tour hosts have uncovered some of the most interesting sights related to the great, and sometimes not so great, writers who have illuminated our lives.

Following in the footsteps of literary history is a great way to relive the past. Rachael Kaplan, author of a series of books, including Little Known Museums of Paris, owns and operates French Links Tours and its sister company British Links. This month's wonderful article, Literary Paris gives readers a glimpse into the worlds of both France's great native writers and the ex pats of the 20th century. For example, one of the many trips French Links Tours offers is Hemingway's Left Bank Tour. It can also create custom itineraries for those travelers who want to do it themselves, but not miss a thing. As a fantastic guide to both the literary and visual arts, French Links Tours is this month's Pick. §. Educational Tours Group Travel & Educational Travel Group Tours. Sétálj végig az Abszol úton! - KönyvesBlog. Unique travel experiences: literature. Literary touristic itineraries of the Centro Internazionale di Studi sul Viaggio Adriatico — ViaggiADR.

The literary itineraries proposed by the Study Centre, re-open the possibility of a two dimensional journey in time and space. In the tracks of ancient travellers, retracing their maps eroded by time to satellite charts of the Adriatic and its lands, from their notebooks full of stains, to the yellowed pages of diaries, telling of journeys to the places they visited, re-living the knowledge and discoveries, reflections and emotions. “Why” as written by Walter Benjamin “ should the past be dead, and not live for us” The route we would like to suggest to you starts from our own virtual library, amongst the original texts that the traveller can read, in his/her search for the chosen path.

Literary places and museums (magyar)

Home - Keats Shelley House. - ReteCivicaTrieste - Joyce - - ReteCivicaTrieste - Joyce - Via Madonna del Mare, 13 - Trieste 2nd floor Opening hours: Monday to Saturday: 9 - 13 ; Thursday also: 15 - 19; June 16th – Bloomsday – is the day on which Joyce scholars, readers and enthusiasts gather all around the world to celebrate the genius of the Irish writer. Bloomsday is the day in which all the events of Joyce’s Ulysses occur and readers reenact the vicissitudes of the hero, Leopold Bloom, on his wanderings through the streets of Dublin. To celebrate the occasion the Museo Joyce Museum (Servizio Biblioteche, Comune di Trieste) and the Trieste Joyce School (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Trieste), in collaboration with DayDreaming Project, the Scuola di Musica 55 and with the support of Regione FVG present BLOOMSDAY 2012 – A party for Joyce.

=> download the Press release (italian) Who we are The TRIESTE JOYCE MUSEUM is a joint venture between the Attilio Hortis' Public Library and the Department of Anglo-German Literature and Culture of the University of Trieste. Rupert Brooke on Skyros - The Grave and the Legend. The tomb which you see before you was not the original grave of Rupert Brooke. When Brooke died on the hospital ship in Tris Boukes Bay on the afternoon of 23rd April 1915, his fellow officers had little time to make elaborate arrangements. At 6 a.m. the following morning, they were due to join the campaign at Gallipoli. So Brooke was buried at night in a simple ceremony, and the original grave was a stone cairn.

It bore a wooden cross inscribed in Greek with the words: “Here lies the servant of God, Sub-lieutenant in the English Navy, who died for the deliverance of Constantinople from the Turks”. The current tomb was placed here shortly after the end of the First World War and is the work of the Greek sculptor Georgios Bonanos (1863-1940). Inscribed on the grave is Brooke’s most famous poem, The Soldier. First of all, Brooke was a romantic, a golden youth who possessed considerable charisma. Finally, he was a politician. So the images which remain are incomplete and unfulfilled. Literary Places » In the Footsteps of Literary Characters » Literary Travel. Want to go to the Summer Olympics in London but wary of hotel prices?

There’s still rooms to be had but prices are going up and even cabinet ministers like Bev Oda may find costs a little steep. The Cadogan Hotel in London which celebrates its 125th anniversary this year has availability still for the Games. Oscar Wilde stayed in room 118 when he was arrested in 1895 and charged [...] They only option can avoid approving university chinese herbal viagra your pockets for themselves.