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Compensation. Rewards

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Fiscaliad del seguro. Aon Hewitt Novedades Fiscales PCF 2015 ene2015. NESCAFÉ SUELDO. 8 Keys to Retaining Great Employees. A nuevos valores nuevos incentivos. Los cambios que está experimentando el mundo —los avances tecnológicos, el desarrollo de la llamada sociedad de la información, el envejecimiento de la población, la irrupción de la generación “Y”, la crisis económica, la globalización, etc.— contribuyen a que nuevos valores coticen al alza.

A nuevos valores nuevos incentivos

Valores como colaboración, transparencia, autenticidad, diversidad, innovación, sostenibilidad,… Unos valores que cada día más consumidores buscamos y tenemos en cuenta en nuestras decisiones de compra. Y no los buscamos solo como consumidores, también en nuestra vida profesional. Cuando las necesidades básicas ya están cubiertas, las personas no queremos un trabajo más, sino uno que nos motive, que nos lo creamos, que se corresponda con nuestros valores, nuestros intereses, nuestra forma de entender la vida. Las personas nos hemos vuelto más escépticas frente a las organizaciones y si debemos trabajar duro para ganarnos el sustento queremos que sea en algo que valga la pena. Stop Paying Bonuses: Money Doesn't Motivate Employees. Conventional wisdom says that people will work harder and smarter in order to earn more and more money.

Stop Paying Bonuses: Money Doesn't Motivate Employees

Turns out that conventional wisdom isn't just dead wrong; it's tragically wrong. According to author Dan Pink, extensive research shows that paying creative people bonuses for good performance not only demotivates them, but almost guarantees they will fail. The research says that there are four things that lead to better performance: Fairness. Knowing that you're being paid a reasonable amount for your work so that money no longer becomes an issue.Autonomy. Anybody who's worked with a top engineering team knows that the above is true. I've seen the same thing in sales organizations. Ironically and sadly, though, many executives believe that to be effective they should 1) minimize salary costs, 2) control employee behavior, 3) encourage uniformity/predictability and 4) promulgate laughable "mission statements. " Then get out of the way and let your employees do their thing.

LAS NUEVAS PERSPECTIVAS DE COMPENSACIÓN TRAS LA REFORMA LABORAL 2012. Imagen cortesía de digitalart/ La actual situación de crisis económica en la que nos encontramos inmersos, y su carácter, ya casi estructural más que coyuntural, está influyendo notablemente sobre prácticamente todos los principios clásicos que hasta ahora han regido en el mundo de la compensación.


Nos encontramos ante un cambio de escenario legal, donde el tradicional “paradigma del derecho adquirido”, por el cual el salario fijo se concebía como algo irrevocable, empieza a resquebrajarse en aras de proporcionar a las empresas mecanismos de flexibilidad que permitan la adaptación de sus condiciones laborales a las demandas que derivan de la nueva realidad de mercado. Dicha adaptación debe concebirse como una alternativa a la, hasta ahora, única solución práctica y viable para conseguir una rápida y efectiva reducción de los gastos de personal, que irremediablemente pasaba por la destrucción de empleo. Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando... 25 Low-Cost Ways to Reward Employees. Leadership Style Matrix - Leadership Training From MindTools. Choosing the Best Leadership Approach Choose the best leadership style for the people and the project that you're leading. © iStockphoto/Warchi When you start to manage new people, how do you know which leadership style you should use?

Leadership Style Matrix - Leadership Training From MindTools

There are a number of things that determine this. For example, does the work have scope for creativity, or does it need to be completed in a specific way? Would close management be best, or should you encourage your people to work independently and deliver a finished product? Different people and different types of projects need different leadership styles. In this article, we'll look at the Leadership Style Matrix, a model that helps you decide.

Overview Eric Flamholtz and Yvonne Randle developed the Leadership Style Matrix and published it in their 2007 book, "Growing Pains. " Figure 1 – The Leadership Style Matrix From "Growing Pains: Transitioning From an Entrepreneurship to a Professionally Managed Firm" by Eric G. Using the Model Next, look at the X-axis. Tip: 9 Things That Motivate Employees More Than Money. The ability to motivate employees is one of the greatest skills an entrepreneur can possess.

9 Things That Motivate Employees More Than Money

Two years ago, I realized I didn’t have this skill. So I hired a CEO who did. Josh had 12 years in the corporate world, which included running a major department at Comcast. I knew he was seasoned, but I was still skeptical at first. We were going through some tough growing pains, and I thought that a lack of cash would make it extremely difficult to improve the company morale. I was wrong. With his help and the help of the great team leaders he put in place, Josh not only rebuilt the culture, but also created a passionate, hard-working team that is as committed to growing and improving the company as I am.

Here are nine things I learned from him: Be generous with praise.