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Social Farming

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Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Essex :: Publications for Mrs Rachel Bragg (née Hine) Peer reviewed papers ·Haubenhofer, D.K., Elings, M., Hassink, J., and Hine, R.E. 2010. The Development of Green Care in Western European Countries. Explore-The Journal of Science and Healing 6 (2): 106-111. • Barton, J., Hine, R. and Pretty, J.(2009) 'The health benefits of walking in greenspaces of high natural and heritage value', Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 6: 4, 261 — 278 • Hine R, Peacock J and Pretty J. 2008.

Care farming in the UK: Contexts, benefits and links with therapeutic communities. Int. Journal of Therapeutic Communities 29(3) • Hine R. 2008. Research reports ·Bragg R, Wood C, Barton J and Pretty J. 2012. ·Hine R, Wood C, Barton J and Pretty J. 2011. Books, occasional papers and other publications ·Pretty J, Wood C, Hine R and Barton J. 2011. ·Pretty J, Barton J, Colbeck I, Hine R, Mourato S, Mackerron G and Wood C. 2011. Green Exercise/Home. Open Fields - Technical and Business Information Item: Open Fields - Technical and Business Information Item: Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap (UMB) Papers. Aideen McGloin (University College Dublin), Deirdre O'Connor (University College Dublin), Jim Kinsella (University College Dublin), Stephen Hynes (Teagasc) Abstract Social Farming is an emerging phenomenon across Europe, which has the potential to offer solutions to public service provision in rural areas and to re-connect farmers with their community and wider society and consequently may be seen as a dimension of multifunctional agriculture.

The concept of multifunctional agriculture states that a farm may fulfil many different roles over and above its primary aim of food/fibre production. Social Farming has emerged from a confluence of issues around this role of agriculture; the challenges of social service provision in rural areas and the demands of people that use services for control of resources allocated for their care and the right to choose services that fulfil their needs. Options. Agricultura social en huertos urbanos, por @ITortajada. La casa de la calle Manacor número 1 (Foto de Rafel Castells) Hace poco leía este artículo de Antoni Puigverd en La Vanguardia donde hablaba de agricultura social, empresas de base agrícola que generan formación y trabajo a personas con discapacidad, enfermedad mental o en riesgo de exclusión.

Concretamente, Puigverd menciona la Xarxa Agrosocial que las agrupa y los casos paradigmáticos de La Fageda y l’Olivera, dos empresas donde la labor social no es incompatibles con la rentabilidad económica que proporcionan sus productos de calidad. Pero en una ciudad como Barcelona también se puede hacer agricultura social en huertos urbanos. Sólo un poco más arriba de una arteria saturada de vehículos como es la Ronda General Mitre ya no se oye el zumbido de los coches. Las empinadas y solitarias calles del Putxet y los viejos chalés que habían sido refugio de artistas y veraneantes, nos devuelven la calma. En una de estas casas, en la calle Manacor, hoy la verja está abierta. Labor social. Caatinga. La agricultura, la mejor terapia social.

MAGDALENA SERRA La agricultura es para el municipio de sa Pobla una de las principales bazas de su economía, pero desde hace ya tres meses es también un pilar importante para la asociación de discapacitados Es Grif. Los miembros de la entidad cuidan y cultivan con ahínco uno de los huertos urbanos que hay en el parque de Can Cirera Prim. En pocos meses se han convertido en un referente entre los vecinos del municipio, que han visto nacer y crecer en su parcela innumerables vegetales como berenjenas, lechugas, tomates, judías, pimientos o acelgas.

La presidenta de la entidad, Miquela Cladera, asegura que desde la asociación están muy contentos con el resultado, pero aquello que verdaderamente les importa "es el valor terapéutico que tienen para los miembros de la entidad el cuidar el huerto y ver crecer sus productos". Aunque ahora la entidad recoge los frutos de la siembra, su andadura empezó a finales de enero, cuando el consistorio de sa Pobla les cedió la parcela. Lottery is rooting for older people in South West. Event report: Care Farming Project Visit | Scotland: National Rural Network. On 14th June the Scottish National Rural Network delivered its Care Farming project visit, the penultimate trip of the 2011/12 programme, to VSA’s Easter Anguston Farm. Delivered in conjunction with Care Farming Scotland, the visit attracted a number of applications from individuals with backgrounds in farming, horticulture and other land-based industries, as well as care support services – all of whom were involved in and/or interested in care farming.

Ten participants joined us for the discussions and tour to share ideas, experiences and information. Belinda Rowlands, Farm Manager at Easter Anguston Farm, was our host for the day and provided a detailed presentation and behind-the-scenes tour of the farm, as well as taking part in the interesting discussion session. Beverley Maclean, Scottish National Rural Network Regional Coordinator, said, "Thanks again to all at Easter Anguston Farm, but particularly Belinda, for a truly inspirational project visit. More information. Technology - Sarah Rich - Is This the Future of Farming?

ATLANTA -- It's easy to miss the Podponics headquarters on Ponce de Leon Avenue. We breezed right by before company co-founder Dan Backhaus came out to the curb to wave us in. To look at their setup--six rust-colored, graffitied shipping containers tucked between a Cactus Car Wash franchise and a halfway house--you'd never suspect this was one of Atlanta's flourishing young startups. But behind the padlocked doors, an urban farming operation is in full swing. When Backhaus founded Podponics in 2010 with Matt Liotta, the pair had no previous experience with food or farming.

Backhaus worked in sales and marketing, Liotta was a software engineer in the telecommunications industry. The six containers, or "pods," represent a trial-and-error process through which Podponics found their way to a cost-effective means of production. As urban farming outfits go, Podponics is exceptionally focused on business viability and growth. Alexis Madrigal Full Screen. What farms can do for cities: A chat with author Sarah Rich. Sarah Rich, author of Urban Farms. A former editor at Dwell and co-founder of the Foodprint Project, Sarah Rich thinks and writes about food as a key component of today’s urban landscape.

So when she and photographer Matthew Benson traveled the country recently documenting 16 public and private food-producing operations for their new book, Urban Farms, it was no surprise that the final product turned out to be an intelligent, inspiring work of art. We spoke with Rich about the new book, the difference between a farm and a garden, and how urban farmers are moving beyond the trend factor. Q. Why did you write Urban Farms? What was the ultimate goal? A. Q. A. He got some rabbits so that the girls could do live dissection without having to be exposed to the chemicals. Q. A. Urban farming is so popular in the media right now, but most of the people I wrote about aren’t doing it to get media attention. Q. A. I started asking the urban farmers I visited what they saw as the difference. Q. A. Q. Das ÖkoSoziale Morgenblatt. Luces en el túnel: 'social farming', por Antoni Puigverd. El viernes pasado me refería al síndrome de Nerón, que se ha apoderado de los medios periodísticos.

Cantamos con gran estrépito el incendio de la sociedad española y catalana, mientras hacemos la tarea sucia de los mercados, que necesitan el estrépito de la jauría periodística para arrinconar a nuestros endeudados países y disparar sobre ellos con mayor facilidad. No abogo por una prensa arcádica ni por el ingenuismo narrativo, pero sugiero la necesidad de ampliar la perspectiva con que contemplamos el grave momento histórico que nos ha tocado vivir.

Si los medios ampliaran la visión, descubriríamos que, junto al desastre de nuestras cuentas públicas y privadas, junto a los costos sociales que tal desastre ha generado, existen prácticas de carácter mutual, que no solo sobreviven a la deprimente coyuntura, sino que marcan interesantes caminos a explorar. Es el caso de la social farming o agricultura social, que responde a dos objetivos. How to grow a garden on your balcony. Environmental activism comes in many shapes and sizes. Some folks set up camp in the trees, some film undercover videos, and still others grow their own food. The latter option is a quieter, simpler approach to the ecological crisis that faces us, but it might well be the most powerful. Food, as it happens, ties into the environmental movement at multiple points — soil depletion, deforestation, methane and carbon emissions, water pollution and so on. Taking even a baby step toward protecting those myriad commons equates with a huge leap into a shareable life.

It shouts out that you care about the world around you, if even in a hushed voiced. Even further than that, food links into myriad other movements — social justice, human rights, health care, economic development, and community building, among them. Anyone who makes moves toward more sustainable food choices makes moves toward a more sustainable future for the world writ large. So, really, no excuses. 1. Related articles on Shareable: European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations - Initiatives database. For Commissioners | Care Farming West Midlands. Given that man has walked the earth for thousands of years in a natural or agricultural landscape, and were only exposed to a crowded urban environment during the Industrial Revolution about 150 years ago, it is unsurprising that many humans have not adapted well to the stresses and strains associated with the modern urban lifestyle. A more recent illustration of this theory can be seen in the substance abuse, and mental and physical health problems experienced by some Australian Aboriginal and Native American communities; problems which coincided with the sudden change to a ‘modern’ lifestyle away from their traditional land-based activities.

A peaceful rural environment represents a therapeutic setting for some mental health and behavioral problems; and the work and physical activity of a farm is beneficial to our bodies. There is increasing interest among commissioners and social workers in how Care Farming is helpful for their client groups. Green care and social and health policies. Agricultural and rural societies have always supported the development of experiences fostering solidarity, social assistance and social inclusion in the communities in which they thrive.

A growing number and great variety of social farming practices can be found in the EU-27 Member States aimed at supporting disadvantaged people in the local communities. More recently, social farming had come to the attention of an increasing range of stakeholders indicating a growing understanding of the potential role of agricultural and rural resources for enhancing the social, physical and mental well-being of people. Nevertheless, such experiences are still for most part invisible. In this context, the EESC is organising a public hearing on June 6th, 2012 with participation from the European Commission, EU research institutions and many other relevant stakeholders. To do so, use the hashtag #greencare For more information please use our contact form. Agriculture and rural development. Useful links - ELARD. Hungry World.

Franciscan center demos sustainability for Ohio community. If you’re in Tiffin, Ohio, then you’re not far from anything, say some locals. Roughly 60 miles southeast of Toledo, the rural northwest town of the Buckeye State stretches a mere three miles from one end to the other. But that also means you’re not far from the Franciscan Earth Literacy Center, an education and demonstration facility designed to encourage sustainable living practices through hands-on learning for all ages. Established in 1994 by the Sisters of St. Francis, the center offers a variety of programs for the surrounding Seneca County community that springs from one of the sisters’ core missions – care for creation. Mike Conner, director of the earth literacy center, said the idea for the center came after a 10-year study by the sisters of their campus.

“They felt like [caring for creation] was an area that was part of their mission that they could do a better job at, and that’s why they created the earth literacy center,” he explained. Técnicos de Micologia. Minho IN - Concursos Abertos - Decorrerá o período para apresentação de candidatura no âmbito das ações 3.1.1 Diversificação de Actividades na Exploração Agrícola; 3.1.2 Criação e Desenvolvimento de Microempresas; 3.1.3 Desenvolvimento de Actividades de Turismo e Lazer da medida 3.1 Diversificação da Economia e Criação de Emprego .

Estas ações têm com objectivo: a) Estimular o desenvolvimento de actividades não agrícolas nas explorações agrícolas criando novas fontes de rendimento e de emprego, contribuindo directamente para a manutenção ou melhoria do rendimento do agregado familiar, a fixação da população, a ocupação do território e o reforço da economia rural, no caso da acção n.º 3.1.1; b) Incentivar a criação e desenvolvimento de microempresas nas zonas rurais tendo em vista a densificação do tecido económico e a criação de emprego, contribuindo para a revitalização económica e social destas zonas, no caso da acção n.º 3.1.2; Para mais informações consultar: Terra Solta - Movimento de Sociedade Alternativa. Rural Economy Grant (REG) The Rural Economy Grant (REG) provides grants to enable a significant ‘game-changing', transformational performance in farm, forestry, tourism, agri-food businesses and micro businesses in rural areas in England.

The Rural Economy Grant outline application round has now closed. Defra have received a very high number of applications to date. Any future application round will be dependent on the availability of RDPE funds following the appraisal and selection of the applications received to date. Defra announced on 11th July that a specific Dairy Fund will be available to help producers to increase their competitiveness and added value. Micro-Enterprise Support in Rural Growth Network Areas Whilst the REG application round has now closed, due to a delay in establishing micro-enterprise support in the 5 Rural Growth Network areas, Rural Economy Grant support (for micro-enterprise businesses in the target sectors only) will be available in these locations in the near future.

GAL com Candidaturas Abertas. Green Exercise/Care Farming. TOC: Farming for Health. Articles are in PDF format. They are viewable using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Preface (18 kB) Thematic studies 1. Theoretical models for research and program development in agriculture and health care: avoiding random acts of research (342 kB)Paula Diane Relf (USA) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Country studies 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Conclusions 22. Care Farming Videos | CFWM. What is Care Farming West Midlands? | CFWM. A process enabling you to submit your commitment to be an active partner in the implementation of the Specific Actions of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing - Innovation Union.

Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century. EAP Publication List. Sustainable Agriculture Flagship. Our Team | Sustaination. Notícias sobre agricultura e pecuária no Brasil e no mundo – GLOBO RURAL - NOTÍCIAS - Rede social britânica conecta agricultores e compradores. Sistemas de Produção. :: OMAIAA :: A comunidade das abelhas e a produção de mel. Flora apícola - capítulo 1. Federação Nacional dos Apicultores de Portugal - Projectos. GPP | PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional. Biblioteca Digital do IPB: Resultados da pesquisa. Federação Nacional dos Apicultores de Portugal - Projectos. Cantinho das Aromáticas. An Introduction to Social Farming - Tuesday July 12th 2011 - News - Organic Trust Ltd. Was ist Soziale Landwirtschaft (Social Farming)? :: chronische Krankheiten :: Soziale Landwirtschaft :: Ländlicher Raum :: Gesundheitsvorsorge :: Nachhaltigkeit :: Chance :: CC :: Armut :: sozial Benachteiligte :: soziale Nachhaltigkeit :: Social Farming.

Irish Agriculture « Rural Studies. Representativeness of the social partners: Agricultural sector – Portugal. Sabias que… Agricultura Social en Europa « Granja Tarapaca. Octobre 2011 - Budget 2012 de l'UE : le Parlement européen et le Conseil vont-ils s'entendre ?Détails actualité. Reclamar os Campos. Farming Sustainably is About Economic Viability, Social Responsibility and the Environment ALPINE SPACE PROGRAMME: Open call for project proposals. Malibu Times > News > New autism nonprofit fills void for young adults. Social Spaces: Urban Farming Tools. Home. Agricoltura CAPODARCO ++ Benvenuti. ARSIAL Website - Agricoltura Sociale. Agricoltura Sociale. Sportello dell'Agricoltura Sociale - Home Page. Social farming.

Social Farming in the UK. Estrena del documental "Terra d'Oportunitats" Botucatu recebe feira de tecnologias adaptadas para agricultura familiar. Sustainable social enterprises. Farm diversification into tourism : implications for social identity? - Promoting farmer entrepreneurship in Mozambique. Ayuda agricultura a jóvenes infractores. Folletoencuentroagriculturaurbana1. Flemish Rural Network. Conference: Linking Rural Development & Social Farming : un album. | AMANHÁGUA | Organização para o Bem da Água, da Natureza e da Vida.

"PSB - PERMACULTURA SOCIAL BRASILEIRA" - "A Revolução Silenciosa, Social & Econômica" Aumento da temperatura média do planeta pode afetar não só clima, mas a biodiversidade de uma região. Farm projects. Gardening with Disabilities: Horticultural Therapy. Coimbra: Agricultura social em debate na Escola Agrária. Vender <i>online</i> e entregar em mãos para aproximar a agricultura ao consumidor. 1º Encontro Agricultura Social em Portugal - Coimbra 15 de Abril. LinkClick.aspx (Objecto application/pdf) 3 - Farming and Social Inclusion. AGRICULTURA SOCIAL em PORTUGAL. Agricultura urbana. The SOFA Report 2011: “Women in agriculture: Closing the gender gap for development” -