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Human Behavioral Biology (Stanford University)

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1. Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology. 2. Behavioral Evolution. 3. Behavioral Evolution II. 4. Molecular Genetics I. 5. Molecular Genetics II. 6. Behavioral Genetics I. 7. Behavioral Genetics II. 8. Recognizing Relatives. 9. Ethology. 10. Introduction to Neuroscience I. 11. Introduction to Neuroscience II. 12. Endocrinology. 13. Advanced Neurology and Endocrinology. 14. Limbic System. 15. Human Sexual Behavior I. 16. Human Sexual Behavior II. 17. Human Sexual Behavior III & Aggression I. 18. Aggression II. 19. Aggression III.

20. Aggression IV. 21. Chaos and Reductionism. 22. Emergence and Complexity. 23. Language. 24. Schizophrenia. 25. Individual Differences.