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Hi, I’m Marin Cartier, and I’m a writer . Currently, I am working as a Content Marketing Team Lead in a IT Company.

Is France becoming a Right-Wing Society? What is it that makes French society increasingly right-wing?

Is France becoming a Right-Wing Society?

Certainly, there are societal transformations stemming from unwanted immigration from North Africa, lest not forget the influence of the United States with President Donald Trump who kept saying negative things about migrants and low-wage countries. The problem? French media kept repeating those claims first because Donald Trump is amusing, but also because it echoed the concerns of French citizens.

By doing so, it merely echoed the transformation of France. French society has been sliding to the right for a good number of years now since at every election there is a right-wing or centrist candidate who finds himself facing a candidate from the far right. Is France becoming a Right-Wing Society? What is it that makes French society increasingly right-wing?

Is France becoming a Right-Wing Society?

Certainly, there are societal transformations stemming from unwanted immigration from North Africa, lest not forget the influence of the United States with President Donald Trump who kept saying negative things about migrants and low-wage countries. The problem? French media kept repeating those claims first because Donald Trump is amusing, but also because it echoed the concerns of French citizens. By doing so, it merely echoed the transformation of France. French society has been sliding to the right for a good number of years now since at every election there is a right-wing or centrist candidate who finds himself facing a candidate from the far right.

What is important to understand is that in this transformation towards a narrow-minded conservatism, newspapers have played a special role. By this standard it is wrong to say that France is a Catholic country. Originally posted: Like this: Like Loading... French Journalism, or the Disease of Friendships with those in Power. Described by some as a “megalomaniac” journalist, Yves de Kerdrel is a man who doesn’t bother with ethics.

French Journalism, or the Disease of Friendships with those in Power

Having presided for a time over the destiny of the weekly Valeurs Actuelles, he boosted its readership by pushing it towards the right, with shocking headlines about massive immigration and a country in fire. Despite the success that followed, Kerdrel was then fired by the newspaper’s new shareholders who did not appreciate his strong-arming of other journalists. Reading articles about Yves de Kerdrel on the internet, one cannot but feel that they would never want to work with him.

A young journalist working with him would be well inspired to avoid doing what he orders and just resign. Why? He faced quite a few lawsuits such as one from the Jewish Students in France who filed a complaint against him for incitement to racial hatred towards Muslims (a credit of this association). These days Mr. Les thèses qui font la société de droite.

Qu’est-ce qui fait que la société française devient de plus en plus à droite?

Les thèses qui font la société de droite

Alors certainement on peut parler des transformations sociétales et notamment des mouvements d’immigration en provenance d’Afrique du Nord, on peut aussi parler des informations comme celle en provenance des États-Unis avec avec un président comme Donald Trump qui n’a pas arrêté de dire des choses négatives sur les migrants et les pays à bas salaires, des couplets que les médias français n’ont pas arrêté de reprendre d’abord parce que Donald Trump est un clown et que c’était amusant mais aussi parce que cela faisait écho aux préoccupations des citoyens français. Like this: Like Loading... Im Devid Corner.I am a professional blogger. Being a professional blogger is not an easy job. L’influence d’un journal de droite. Yves de Kerdrel : un portrait. Yves de Kerdrel quitte la direction de Valeurs actuelles. We and our partners store and/or access information on a device, select basic ads, select personalised ads, measure ad performance, develop and improve products, create a personalised ads profile, create a personalised content profile, select personalised content, measure content performance, apply market research to generate audience insights, select basic ads, create a personalised ads profile, select personalised ads, create a personalised content profile, select personalised content, measure ad performance, measure content performance, apply market research to generate audience insights, develop and improve products.

Yves de Kerdrel quitte la direction de Valeurs actuelles

These technologies may process personal data such as IP address and browsing data for ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug, technically deliver ads or content. They may match and combine offline data sources, link different devices, receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification. Contrôlez vos données. Les thèses qui font la société de droite. Yves de Kerdrel et ses amis. Yves de Kerdrel. Quand l’empereur perd ses habits, ou l’histoire d’Yves de Kerdrel. – Marin Cartier. Petit journaliste mégalomaniaque qui a fait des couvertures extravagantes dans un magazine réactionnaire réservé aux retraités de la France provinciale, Yves de Kerdrel et un homme qui ne s’embarrasse pas de procédés.

Quand l’empereur perd ses habits, ou l’histoire d’Yves de Kerdrel. – Marin Cartier

Après avoir présidé un temps aux destinées de l’hebdomadaire Valeurs actuel, donc il avait regonflé le lectorat en le tirant vers la droite, à grands coups d’articles au titre spectaculaire qui évoquaient une immigration massive et un pays à feu et à sang, le père de Kerdrel s’est retrouvé sans emploi, s’étant fait éjecter du journal par les nouveaux actionnaires, des spécialistes de la presse qui n’appréciaient pas beaucoup ses méthodes indélicates, notamment vis-à-vis des autres journalistes.

Rien d’étonnant à ce que le journaliste breton soit retourné à ses chères études ou plutôt qu’il ait pris la direction d’une lettre économique appelée Wansquare à laquelle on ne peut pas accéder et qui ne se trouve que sur abonnement. Like this: Like Loading...