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A Game of Social Thrones. How to Compare Your Facebook Page With the Competition. Are you wondering how your Facebook Page compares to competitors?

How to Compare Your Facebook Page With the Competition

What can you do to improve your performance? Insights into how your competitors are using Facebook can help you better understand your audience on Facebook and how they use Facebook. In this article, I’ll review 5 different tools that can be used to help you compare your Facebook Page against competitors and identify tactics to help you improve your Facebook marketing. #1: Compare Your Statistics With AgoraPulse Barometer AgoraPulse provides a free tool called the AgoraPulse Barometer, which performs an analysis of your Facebook Page and compares it against other companies’ Pages (that also used this tool) that have a similar number of fans.

The Barometer calculates the average percentage for several criteria based on your last 50 posts. The table gives an assessment of your Page compared to other Pages with a similar fan count. Information provided in the chart above includes: Email Marketing's 10 Most Important Questions, Answered. 5.7K Flares 5.7K Flares × Of the many email statistics that blow my mind, I think this one wows me the most: Email reaches three times more people than Twitter and Facebook combined.

Email Marketing's 10 Most Important Questions, Answered

That’s a lot of people! (3.6 billion or so.) Clearly email marketing deserves your time and attention. 1. Often, when I’m browsing the web, I’ll come across a blog with a stunning newsletter subscription form, boasting thousands of subscribers. Big subscriber numbers are something we all want, so it’s good to know there are many smart ways of going about growing a list. But first, let me start with one way NOT to grow: Purchasing email addresses. Buying email addresses is frowned upon by most major email service providers (e.g., Mailchimp, which won’t let you even add a purchased list). Instead of buying subscribers, try earning them through quality content and asking permission.

Create an offer Any piece of quality content will do. Use subscription forms Make great partnerships. Social-Media-Strategie leicht gemacht: Analyse, Ziele, Zeitplan. Was ist eine Social-Media-Strategie?

Social-Media-Strategie leicht gemacht: Analyse, Ziele, Zeitplan.

Sie ist der Schlüsselfaktor zu erfolgreichem Online Marketing und zu einem erfolgreichen Einsatz von Twitter, Facebook, Blogs und weiteren Plattformen in der Unternehmenskommunikation. Social Media und Social Networks sind verführerisch. Weil sie so cool und trendig sind, weil es so viele Beispiele erfolgreicher Öffentlichkeitsarbeit mithilfe von Facebook, Twitter & Co. gibt, ist eine Versuchung im Social Web ganz besonders groß: die Versuchung, das Pferd von hinten aufzuzäumen.

Von den Instrumenten her zu denken, statt von den Zielen auszugehen, ist eine der größten Gefahren, denen Sie bei der Integration von Social Media in Ihr kommunikatives Portfolio ausgesetzt sind. Ausgangspunkt für die Social-Media-Strategie sollten Ihre Ziele sein Ausgangspunkt Ihrer Überlegungen in Richtung Social-Media-Strategie dürfen nicht die im Web 2.0 verfügbaren Plattformen sein.

Social-Media-Strategien sind relevant für die interne und die externe Kommunikation. How You Can Get More Pinterest Followers (Infographic) It's fun to get new social media followers.

How You Can Get More Pinterest Followers (Infographic)

It's gratifying to know people like your organization, and you can't help but feel a bit proud when they want to announce it on their social media profiles. Do you know what can make getting new followers even more exciting? Knowing each new fan could make your business money. According to an infographic from Who Is Hosting This, 47 percent of U.S. online shoppers have made purchases based on Pinterest recommendations. So, how can you get more Pinterest followers? Recent Articles From PR Daily. Social Media: 80/20 Rule. How Not to Be a Boring Blogger: Write Like You Eat (Infographic) Business owners, you ought to be blogging.

How Not to Be a Boring Blogger: Write Like You Eat (Infographic)

If you are not, you should start. Blogging is a way to update your customers about changes in your business and engage with your customers on developments in your industry. But here’s the thing, don’t be boring. If you bore your readers once, you have lost them. Learning how to write well and deliver interesting content is challenging, but the payoff is cold, hard cash. Related: Turning Content from 'Meh' to Wow With Storytelling If you think about blogging like food, then you are less likely to publish the same genre of content every single day. Check out the infographic (below) for more information about how to keep your content captivating and delicious.

Click to Enlarge+ Related: How This Blogger Turned Her Hobby Into a Full-Time Job and Scored Millions of Fans.