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Pedagogisch klimaat en klassenmanagement

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01. 06. ABE Systems. Daniel Willingham's Learning Styles FAQ. Learning Styles Don't Exist. BIESTA-GOOD-EDUCATION-met-highlights-11. Keynote. Microsoft Word - 2013-03-13 Adaptieve school.docx - Adaptieve-school-2013.pdf. Mindset | The Mindsets. Mindsets are beliefs—beliefs about yourself and your most basic qualities. Think about your intelligence, your talents, your personality. Are these qualities simply fixed traits, carved in stone and that’s that?

Or are they things you can cultivate throughout your life? People with a fixed mindset believe that their traits are just givens. They have a certain amount of brains and talent and nothing can change that. If they have a lot, they’re all set, but if they don’t... “Think about your intellligence, talents, and personality. People with a growth mindset, on the other hand, see their qualities as things that can be developed through their dedication and effort. Mindset | The Mindsets. Mindset Training 5 tips for a Growth Mindset : Mindsetmax. You have the potential to be the best you can be, and if you’re still closing the distance – it’s partly because of the continuous attention grabbers that are a part of your every day life in this expanding global society. The truth is, however, that you’re the one that let’s these attention grabbers like TV, internet, social media, extra long working hours etc. get the hours and days of your life – until you STOP IT and start with some invaluable Mindset Training Steps !

The first rule of Mindset Training is to look at what you’re doing right, which sustains your short or long term goals, and also what you’re doing “wrong” that removes your focus from where you really want to be or what you want to have. The majority of people never write on a piece of paper (computer) what they want to achieve in say 6 – 12 months, and guess what ? Therefore they never achieve what they want ! So start Changing Your Mindset now. 1.

Change = honesty 2. Mindset Mindset Definition Mind Set or Mindset? Top 10 Ways to Wake-up Students in Class. The following is a guest post from Michelle Doman, a 7th and 8th grade Language Arts teacher at Brandon Middle School in Wisconsin. Top 10 Ways to Wake-up Students in Class Many people get a little squeamish, wiggly, and offer a scrunched expression when I respond to the question, “What grades do you teach?” I teach middle school, and with heart and honesty, I find great joys (and challenges) in teaching the group referred to as “tweens” and adolescents. So, I invite you into the quirky world of middle school. Do not fear…you will become comfortable in a beanbag, find a new young-at-heart-love-for reading air, and (at times chuckle) as I give you a sneak-peek into the crevices (oh, look out for that dirty sock) of the teenage minds.

Here are the Top 10 Ways to Wake-up Students in Class... 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. If anyone has more ideas to capture the wondering, daydreaming, (hormonal) minds of middle school students, I would love to read about them. P.S.


Pdf-lezing-mart-de-kruif3. Lessen in Orde. Document_272. Recensie-leren-in-vijf-dimensies. Kaleidoscope: Contemporary and Classic Readings in Education - Kevin Ryan, PH., Cooper, James Mrs, James Michael Cooper. Classroom Management That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Every Teacher - Dr Robert J Marzano, Jana S. Marzano, Debra J. Pickering. COVEY. An Interview With Lisa Delpit on Educating 'Other People's Children' Share In her groundbreaking 1988 essay “The Silenced Dialogue: Power and Pedagogy in Educating Other People’s Children,” the elementary school teacher cum theorist Lisa Delpit dismantled some of the pieties of progressive education. Deliberately unstructured teaching strategies like “whole language,” “open classrooms,” and “process, not product” were putting poor, non-white children at an even greater disadvantage in school and beyond, Delpit argued.

Instead, she suggested teachers should explicitly “decode” white, middle-class culture for their low-income students, teaching them Standard English almost as if it were a foreign language, for example, and introducing math concepts through problems with cultural resonance for disadvantaged kids, such as calculating the probability that the police will stop-and-frisk a black male, as compared to a white male. It is definitely true that children of non-college-educated parents are likely to have less school-based vocabulary. Everything! Show. Resultaatgericht. Als je resultaatgericht bent, span je je actief in om concrete resultaten en/of doelstellingen te halen. Bij tegenslagen geef je niet op en houd je de uitgezette lijn voor ogen. Wat betekent dat concreet? Stel: je werkt als vertaler bij een klein vertaalbureau. Je krijgt aan het begin van de week een grote vertaalopdracht toegewezen van een belangrijke klant.

Resultaatgerichtheid wil ook zeggen dat je blik is gefocust op wat uit je handen komt: het resultaat. Niet alleen op je werk kun je resultaatgericht zijn. Welke competenties komen hierbij kijken? Accuraat. Bij welke beroepen heb je deze competentie nodig? Denk met name aan beroepen waarbij je veel verantwoordelijkheid hebt, en waarin je geregeld hoge prestaties moet leveren die zichtbaar of meetbaar zijn voor je omgeving. Hoe toon je bij een sollicitatie aan dat je resultaatgericht bent?

Je solliciteert op een functie als resultaatgerichte assistent-uitgever. Je bent nu nog communicatiemedewerker bij een bekend museum. Bronnen. Classroom Management Plan.