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Post.As. Animated GIF Generator Tool. Cool Optical Illusions Pictures for Kids and Adults. Optical illusions (sometimes called also visual illusions) are cool images perceived in a manner that differs from objective reality.

Cool Optical Illusions Pictures for Kids and Adults

What the human eye sees is interpreted by the brain in a way that contradicts physical measurement of the source image. You can find several types of cool optical illusions on this site all sorted into detailed categories located below and in menu on the right side as well. They are suitable not only for adults but also for kids. Illusion of the Day This video will blow your mind. Warm Up Your Brain Can you find all 5 Y's in this picture? Here are the 5 Y's circled if you could not find them. Red Dot Only a few people can see an image hidden in this eye test. There is a horse hidden. Brick Wall Visual Illusion Yet another cool picture that baffled Internet.

There is a lighted cigar. Panoramio - Photos of the World. BigHugeLabs: Do fun stuff with your photos. 13 Ways You Can Use Flickr In The Classroom. Flickr in education makes sense, because digital media in education makes sense.

13 Ways You Can Use Flickr In The Classroom

Based on our statistics, you’re probably a much bigger fan of pinterest than flickr, but at one point in the internet’s brief history, flickr was all the rage. As was myspace, but we digress. Flickr is a very good app. And they’ve recently given themselves a makeover, adding a pinterest style interface, and giving everyone a terabyte of storage for free. Which is a lot. The following image does a good job of offering ideas of how flickr might be used in your classroom.

Rather than pintrest, which is more of a curation site, a better comparison to flickr might be Picasa, Google’s image service, and both have apps for both iOS and Android. They also allow you to search by license, thought so does Google. Illusions d'optique intéractives. Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink.

Dohaniko irudiak/Free pictures

Álbumes web de Picasa: el servicio de Google para compartir fotos gratuitamente. Upload Multiple Photos at Once. Get Short & Clean URLs. TinyPic - Alojamiento de imágenes y de vídeo y uso compartido de fotos, gratis. Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket. Myspace Widgets - Photo Sharing - Photo Fun. Crea panorámicas en 3D con PhotoSynth. Photosynth es una de las aplicaciones para crear panorámicas con el iPhone más popular de iTunes.

Crea panorámicas en 3D con PhotoSynth

Gracias a su asistente de toma, creamos panorámicas en el tiempo que nos lleva hacer las fotografías. Para los que no disponemos de iPhone u otro dispositivo con iOS 4 o superior, tenemos la posibilidad de usar Photosynth desde la web y con nuestro PC, creando panorámicas con las fotografías hechas con nuestra cámara. Para crear una panorámica 3D con Photosynth debemos partir de un buen montón de fotografías que hayamos tomado con nuestra cámara. Photosynth es gratuito y sus funciones nos permiten hacer algo más que panorámicas. El espectador puede entrar en nuestra panorámica, navegar por dentro y llegar a ver pequeños detalles. Qué nos ofrece Photosynth Con Photosynth podemos realizar diferentes tipos de fotografías: los Panoramas, que son fotografías de hasta 360º, todas tomadas desde el mismo sitio y los Synth, que son las panorámicas que ellos llaman 3D.

Cómo usar Photosynth Conclusión. MyPaint. MyPaint. º Flash PAINT º Online Painting Tool © home. Pholium. KC Softwares. Supalogo - create nice logo. IRUDIAK EDITATZEKOTRESNAK. Photo editing made fun ! The best photo editing tools on the Web from Picnik! Online Photo Editor. Express Editor. Thumba - online image editor. Photo editor online - edit image.

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