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Sauvons les riches ! Home. Des milliers d’Égyptiens réclament le départ de Moubarak. Indian journalist shot and killed in Chhattisgarh state. New York, January 28, 2011--Police in 's central Chhattisgarh state must investigate Sunday's shooting murder of Umesh Rajput, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Two masked gunmen shot Rajput, a reporter with the Hindi-language daily Nai Dunia, late Sunday night outside his residence near district, according to local news reports. News reports quoted Rajput's family saying the journalist had received death threats from a health worker after publishing a story two weeks before his death about a man developing an eye infection following an operation. A note threatening to kill him if he did not stop writing was found near his body, the reports said. The English-language Indian Express daily said police suspected the threats might be a cover for a murder by Maoist insurgents.

Violence between the insurgents, government security forces, and state-supported vigilantes has escalated in recent years in the area. Quelques conseils pour développer son réseau. Jeune hyperconnecté et asocial Personne passionnée. Dans la bouche de ceux qui l’utilisent, le terme «geek» marque souvent un retrait voire une rupture avec les usages et les usagers du numérique. Poudre aux yeux ? Bourdonnement du web visant à faire (beaucoup) de bruit sur peu de temps. Le double risque : en plus d’être difficile à contrôler, «faire du buzz» n’est pas une fin en soi Communiquer sur les médias sociaux c’est parler de moi Animer ses médias sociaux c’est avant tout répondre aux attentes de son public.

Le Manifeste des Desobeissants.