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Death By Chocolate Mini Cheesecakes - Bakerita. Caramel Pecan Mini Cheesecakes. Enjoy a bite of happiness with these cute Caramel Pecan Mini Cheesecakes made in a muffin pan.

Caramel Pecan Mini Cheesecakes

They’re velvety, creamy and have a perfect balance of sweetness! These are too tasty to have only one. I LOVE cheesecake. And my maman and Kyle’s mom both love caramel. Date Walnut Cheesecake Bites. These Date Walnut Cheesecake Bites are great for snacking.

Date Walnut Cheesecake Bites

The crust is mixed into the filling and the addition of walnuts and almond butter gives a nice nutty flavor to these bites! I have a cheesecake addiction. Golden Oreo Salted Caramel Mini Cheesecakes. Hi!

Golden Oreo Salted Caramel Mini Cheesecakes

I’m Cherri, the imaginary food lover that my author (Wajeeha) has dreamed up of as the main character of her series Confessions of a Foodie. I love food. Especially chocolate, maybe a bit too much. Salted Caramel Pretzel Crunch Bars - Sallys Baking Addiction. Haaaaappy Friday!

Salted Caramel Pretzel Crunch Bars - Sallys Baking Addiction

There’s gotta be dessert on Friday, though I may have been eating way over my limit all week. I just got back from Phoenix last night. Candy Bar Blondies #SundaySupper - That Skinny Chick Can Bake. When you have way too much candy in your house, making Candy Bar Blondies is a delicious way to repurpose those treats.

Candy Bar Blondies #SundaySupper - That Skinny Chick Can Bake

Candy Bar Blondies Around the holidays, there is an influx of sweet treats to our house. On Halloween, depending on the weather, we could have 60-100 trick or treaters. I like to buy full-size candy bars, but having 40 leftover makes for a big dilemma. Thank goodness I have an easy solution. Pecan Praline Blondies.