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Web development

Facebook Twitter - web 2.0 javascript. Dhteumeuleu. Free CSS templates - Download Free CSS Templates. New elements in HTML 5. Development of HTML stopped in 1999 with HTML 4.

New elements in HTML 5

The W3C focused its efforts on changing the underlying syntax of HTML from Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) to XML, as well as completely new markup languages like Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), XForms, and MathML. Browser vendors focused on browser features like tabs and RSS readers. Web designers started learning CSS and the JavaScript™ language to build their own applications on top of the existing frameworks using Asynchronous JavaScript + XML (Ajax). But HTML itself grew hardly at all in the next eight years. Recently, the beast came back to life. This new version of HTML—usually called HTML 5, although it also goes under the name Web Applications 1.0—would be instantly recognizable to a Web designer frozen in ice in 1999 and thawed today.

At the same time, this proverbial unfrozen caveman Web designer would encounter some new and confusing elements. That's not a happy coincidence. Structure Listing 1. Listing 2. Aside mark. CSS Basics. Onextrapixel - Web Design & Development Online Magazine. Periodic Table of the Elements - Josh Duck.

HTML5 Cheat Sheet from DZone Refcardz. By James Sugrue HTML5 is a standard for structuring and presenting content on the Web.

HTML5 Cheat Sheet from DZone Refcardz

It incorporates features such as geolocation, video playback and drag-and-drop. HTML5 allows developers to create rich internet applications without the need for third party APIs and browser plug-ins. HTML5 is still under specification, and is currently in the Working Draft stage in the W3C, but many aspects of HTML5 are now stable and can be implemented in browsers. This DZone Refcard highlights the main features in HTML5 and illustrates the JavaScript APIs available to work with those features. Simplified Syntax There are a number of simplifications to the syntax of HTML introduced in the HTML5 specification.

Document Type The <doctype> for an HTML document has changed from its verbose DTD reference to a much simpler format, simply stating the document is an HTML document type: This change allows HTML5 to be fully backward compatible with previous versions of HTML. Character Encoding with Global Attributes. 15 sites web developers and designers should know. Creating a good website isn't an easy task, but there's a few tools that can definitely make your developer or designer life easier.

15 sites web developers and designers should know

In this article, I have compiled 15 extremely useful website that any web developer or web designer should have bookmarked. ColorCombos When designing a website, one of the firsts (and most important) steps of the process is to choose a color scheme. Color Combos allow you to browse thousand of different colors combinations for getting inspired for your upcomming design. Color schemes can be browsed by colors.Visit LIpsum Who doesn’t know the extremely popular Lorem Ipsum text? What the font? You just saw a logo or website using a particular font and you enjoyed it. ConvertIcon Favicons are a must have for any website, mostly because on modern browsers as such as Firefox, it is displayed along with the site name in tabs. BgPatterns.

HTML/XHTML in one page : HTML.SU.