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14 Ways Women Still Aren't Equal to Men. The feminist movement has made gigantic strides over the years—but nearly a century since women were given the right to vote, the sad fact of the matter is: We've still got lots of work to do.

14 Ways Women Still Aren't Equal to Men

Here, the shocking ways women aren't yet equal to men in America. 1. Women pay more for common household items than men do. Shampoo, deodorant—even a 10-pack of socks—are among the many products that cost more for women, according to an analysis we published earlier this year. 7 Things To Know If You Think Women Are Equal To Men. White House reacts to Women. 10 Things The Women's March On Washington Accomplished. This past weekend, my family — consisting of myself, my wife, my 18 year-old son, and my 14 year-old daughter — drove from Indiana to Washington, D.C. and joined a half million people for the Women’s March.

10 Things The Women's March On Washington Accomplished

It’s been estimated that over 3 million people participated in 500 sister marches around the world. L.A. had between a half million and three-quarters of a million. New York had almost a half million. My own home city of Chicago had a quarter million. Women who fought for the Vote 1370.