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Libre et éducatif : épisode 14 – Audacity – Créer vos podcast. Audacity est un logiciel libre d’édition sonore. Il peut être utilisé pour la création de podcasts éducatifs ou pour créer des illustrations sonores. [toggle_container keep_open="true" initial_open=""][toggle title="Catégorie : Audio"]Audacity est un logiciel d’édition sonore. [/toggle][toggle title="Niveau : Primaire/secondaire"]Audacity permet de créer des podcast, et le contenu peut être adapté à tout niveau. [/toggle][toggle title="Usage : Création de ressources audio"]Audacity permet la création et l’édition de fichier audio, qu’ils soient simples ou complexes. [/toggle][toggle title="Système : Windows, Linux, MacOS. "]Audacity est compatible sous les systèmes d’exploitation Windows, Linux et MacOS. [/toggle][toggle title="Langue : Multilingue"]Audacity est disponible dans plusieurs langue, dont le français et l’anglais.

Le logiciel est assez simple à utiliser et est accessible à tous si l’on prend la peine d’apprendre son fonctionnement. Un tutoriel est aussi disponible sur le blog. Auto-Tweet Directly from PowerPoint And Other Twitter Tool Updates. Another round of updates to the PowerPoint Twitter Tools, including: Auto-tweetingAn additional feedback slideAn option for secure internal useA customizable text-zooming toolThe ability to set up values in advance (for example, to add the tools into a conference template) To access all these tools, please go to the main download page: Here’s some information about each of the new features: PowerPoint AutoTweet The PowerPoint AutoTweet functionality, available as a PowerPoint Add-in, lets you automatically update your twitter status during your presentation.

As you go through your slides in presentation mode, any text in your note pages between the tags [twitter] and [/twitter] will automatically be tweeted when you reach the appropriate slide. Checking the “Display success status of tweets” option will show a dialog box during the presentation, telling you whether the tweet was successful or not. New Feedback Slide Secure Internal Use. Dropbox Organization Tips for Teachers and the Paperless Classroom. Dropbox is an essential for me. I like apps that link with Dropbox in every way and it is an essential part of my paperless routine with my students. This past Sunday at #txeduchat I was asked some specific questions about how I use Dropbox to take my classroom as paperless as possible, so I thought I’d make it my app of the week and teach you some things that might be helpful.

You don’t have to set up all folders to sync with every computer. For example, I don’t want my personal book writing activities or accounting system syncing with school computers.You can earn free space so many ways, by inviting others, even by signing up your class for the Hour of Code (which is a great thing to do anyway.)Learn how to move photos from your phone to Dropbox but don’t set up automatic photo sync unless you have the pro version of Dropbox.Create a folder in dropbox (particularly if you’re not a pro user) called z-harddrive.

I put a z in front of it to automatically put it at the end of my list. Technology in Modern Foreign Languages - A Practitioner's Perspective. 14 Google Tools You Didn't Know Existed. Organiser ses notes efficacement dans Evernote. Plus le temps passe et plus Evernote prend le pas sur Dropbox dans mon utilisation du Cloud. Je me rends compte que j’ai 12Go de données dans Dropbox mais que j’ai oublié les 3/4 de ce qu’elles concernent. Partant de ce constat j’en déduis que le rendement de mon classement n’est pas bon puisque j’ai, certes, beaucoup d’informations, mais peu de visibilité. Jusqu’à il y a peu, j’utilisais énormément les carnets dans Evernote pour reproduire en quelque sorte ce schéma d’arborescence qui m’est si familier.

Mais après un bon paquet de lectures passionnantes et de retour d’utilisation d’Evernote j’ai décidé de réduire drastiquement le nombre de mes carnet. Voici donc quelques astuces pour rendre votre utilisation d’Evernote plus productive. Première astuce : utiliser la fonction de recherche. Ca peut paraître bête mais cette fonction est ultra puissante dans Evernote. Étiquetez tout, dès la création de la note. Et n’hésitez pas à coller plusieurs étiquettes sur une note. Et les carnets ? CloudConvert - convert anything to anything. Beginners' guide to using technology in language lessons | Teacher Network | Guardian Professional. Blogging This is a fantastic way for pupils to share and celebrate their learning but a blog does need an audience to keep it alive for pupils.

A teacher can set up a class blog with individual student pages and it is incredibly easy to do and manage and allows the pupils chance to write exclusively in the language they have been learning. As the teacher you will probably need to populate the blog with articles to get the ball rolling and the pupils engaged but once they get the hang of it not only will they be leaving comments but also writing their own posts too. The British Council has a simple guide for setting up a class blog. To take blogging one step further, think about joining a collaborative project like Quadblogging. This is where four schools link up across the world and blog on an agreed topic so the opportunities for sharing language learning are huge.

Wiki A variation on the blogging theme is to set up a class wiki. Podcasting E-publishing and digital storytelling QR codes. Soxnevad's Profile | Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool for educators, teachers and students. If Twitter Is Not PD, What Is It? April 3, 2013 by tomwhitby I was recently contacted by Barbara Madden, a Missouri educator with a Mississippi dialect, who is conducting a survey of educators, who use Twitter for Professional Development asking for some feedback. Barbara had been in contact with a college professor who wanted to know the effect of Twitter as PD and it’s effect on student outcomes. That really got me thinking about PD and Twitter. I have heard many, many educators claiming that Twitter is the best PD that they have ever had. Others have said they learned more from Twitter than any graduate, or undergraduate education course they have taken. I would have doubts about both of those statements, or at the least questions about our higher education system if that were true.

Education has always been an isolated profession that called out for collaboration, but it did not have an effective way to collaborate. Social Media is simply a conduit for connections. There is now a new gap in education. Like this: Learn Languages Online For Free Through Music Videos and Song Lyrics: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. How to Make Vocal Audio Sound Better in Audacity.