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File Sharing, Send Large Files, Access Files from Any Device. Bizness Apps Program Information. Eaav gqw~kjarw d`ikrjan hbkq~ ayart~md`o d`ykcyd`o h bqwd`aww ^qr`*bt*~qr` OVW ndrag~dk`w irkj h`tmara d` ~ma krcn ^dv ghcgqch~krw# jkr~ohoa ghcgqch~krw# ykdga ragkrnarw# h`n jkra.

Bizness Apps Program Information

Screenfly by QuirkTools — Test Your Website at Different Screen Resolutions. Widgets, gadgets y aplicaciones para Facebook. Apps for Grading Assessments. Using rubrics and providing student's feedback via the iPad has not been an area that has received a great deal of attention.

Apps for Grading Assessments

This is, however, starting to change. I have recently spoken to a number of teachers who have developed apps that will allows teachers to use the iPad as a viable way of assessing student work. Some of these apps actually do more than just mark work.