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Storybird - Artful Storytelling. Play this quiz now! 19 Successful Online English Teachers Share Their Tips and Resources for Planning Online Lessons. Thanks to everyone who contributed! I receive A LOT of emails from online teachers (and online teachers to be) about planning; namely, what they should include in their lessons and what resources they should use.

As there are many areas of English and different teaching methods, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What I do and what I use might not work for you and your learners. However, there are some common practices and amazing resources that you can use in your online lessons. And as a way of celebrating the incredible teachers who create their own content so that we can use it with our students, I have put together this super post. I asked 19 online teachers for a tip or an app when it comes to lesson planning, and for them to share their resource. As well as being a handy guide for you, this might also inspire you too to create content for your learners (if you’re not doing this already). Google Fonts.

MARIA EUGENIA PELLEGRIN en Flipboard. YouGlish. What is YouGlish?


YouGlish is a very easy way to learn the correct pronunciation of words by hearing them spoken on YouTube videos. That YouGlish name makes more sense now, right? This tool uses YouTube to provide the accepted pronunciation of words in various languages by employing native speakers. It's super simple to use and, thanks to it being YouTube based, YouGlish is accessible from any device that has a web browser. This isn't just spoken by people from the local country though. Get yourself over to and type in the words that you want to hear, be it a single word or an entire phrase. Make sure you have your audio volume turned up so you can actually hear clearly what is being said.

How Does YouGlish Work? YouTube has lots and lots and lots of videos -- as of 2020, there are 720,000 hours uploaded daily. YouGlish is smart enough to trawl all that content to find the word or phrase you want to hear. Free online word cloud generator and tag cloud creator - 44587 pronunciations of leadership in English. How to play Kahoot! YouTube. Edpuzzle. Screen Recorder & Video Editor. Grabadora de Voz e Intercambio de Mensajes En Línea.

Book Creator - bring creativity to your classroom - Book Creator app. Actividad de wiki. 'Nota: Esta página es acerca del módulo de wiki 'para Moodle 2.9 y más recientes.

Actividad de wiki

Para la documentación anterior, vaya a Módulo de wiki. Un wiki es una colección de documentos web escritos en forma colaborativa. Básicamente, una página de wiki es una página web que todos en su clase pueden crear juntos, directo desde el navegador de Internet, sin que necesiten saber HTML. Un wiki empieza con una portada. Cada autor puede añadir otras páginas al wiki, simplemente creando un enlace hacia una página (nueva) que todavía no existe. Vista general de la actividad de Wiki Los wikis obtuvieron su nombre del término hawaiano "wiki wiki," que significa "muy rápido". En Moodle, los wikis pueden ser una herramienta valiosa para el trabajo colaborativo. Transcription Wages, Hourly Wage Rate.

Videoconferencing platforms for teaching online – a short video guide. Teaching live online classes is becoming an increasingly attractive option for teachers who would like to work for themselves, from home and in their own time.

Videoconferencing platforms for teaching online – a short video guide

However, it’s easier said than done. To be an effective online teacher, and to build up a large and loyal client base, you need to offer a good service. A good online teacher not only knows his or her subject matter, but also knows how to design and deliver engaging live classes that actually help students learn. In short, good online teachers need both pedagogical skills and technical skills. You need a reliable videoconferencing platform to deliver those live classes to your students. At The Consultants-E, we’ve just launched a new Teaching Live Online training course for teachers. Of course, the videoconferencing platforms that Gavin mentions in this video are not the only ones available. Nicky Hockly The Consultants-E September 2016. /auto_quizzes.php?v=NQ50OMM0L1s. Quizzes for "Small Animal Hospital: Veterinary Medicine" Grammar for listeners15 items Singular and plural nouns Fill the gaps with singular or plural forms of frequently used nouns.


Grammar for listeners7 items Contractions Can you catch contractions (such as I'll, he'd and so on)? Repeat YouTube videos! Loop YouTube Videos! Repeat full or partial YouTube videos using YouTube Loop. The Time Now: What Time Is It. Cómo transcribir una entrevista de audio a texto fácilmente. Una de las cosas que consume mayor cantidad de tiempo es transcribir de audio a texto, en especial para aquellos que se dedican al periodismo o actividades similares, debido a que deben invertir un largo tiempo a redactar entrevistas, por ello hemos realizado una guía de cómo transcribir una entrevista de audio a texto fácilmente.

Cómo transcribir una entrevista de audio a texto fácilmente

Edmodo. Traductor de DeepL.