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Work Together: 60+ Collaborative Tools for Groups. With businesses and families spread out more and more, we've dug up 60+ sites that will help everyone be on the same page. Business Productivity - Maker of collaboration tools including Basecamp (others listed below). - A mixture of social network and productivity applications. - Online collaboration directed towards small and medium sized businesses. - Centralized cash flow, documents, calendars and more for a team or small business. - A full work suite for project teams including spreadsheets, file sharing, calendar and more. - Allows you to work on projects off-line and then sync them when you can login. - Share concept designs and allow invited workers to mark-up, comment, and give feedback. Confluence - An enterprise-class wiki with features such as PDF exporting. - Allows groups to share documents, calandars, contacts, and files. Creative Collaboration Mindmapping. Productivity tips. [H]ard|OCP - How to Become a Creative Genius - When we measure the creativity of young children, virtually all of them will record as being ‘highly creative’. However, only a small percentage of adults register as being ‘highly creative’. What happened? Schools have crushed creativity.

We were told to color within the lines. We were taught to follow instructions. The goal inschool is to get the “right” answer. Unfortunately, if you’re afraid to be wrong, you’ll never be creative or original. The job of education is to produce employees who follow instructions. This is one of the most unfortunate realities in our current education system. To undo this, we must continuallyexercise our creative juices. 1. Ideas are like in-laws, you never know when they’re coming over to visit. Leonardo da Vinci was well known for keeping a journal of his ideas.

Yes, I am happy to say that Leonardo da Vinci was a productivity junkie. A blank page is an open invitation for the creative and curious mind. 2. Leonardo da Vinci asked such questions as: 3. 4. 5. Do not be a perfectionist. TM): Hindsight. Body Language: A Key to Success in the Workplace : Yahoo! Finance. Let's say you're all set for your big interview—the one you're confident will change your career. You know you can wow the person across the desk with your accomplishments.

Or you're ready to give the presentation that reflects months of hard work and success. But before you even open your mouth, the rest of your body has already spoken volumes. What does your body language say? Does it say you're confident, smart, and enthusiastic—or just the opposite? Only a small percentage of communication involves actual words: 7%, to be exact. More Than Words One problem with body language is it may not convey what you really feel.

Avoiding looking at people—maybe simply because you're too busy consulting your notes or your résumé—can lead people to think you're being less than honest with them. Conversely, strong and effective body language can help establish an immediate rapport with your audience, signaling confidence in your message. The Eyes Have It People want to feel special. Think openness. Blog. Startup Myths Debunked. Practice your personal Kaizen - Lifehacker. » 18 Questions Your CEO Forgot to Ask When Building Your Website - Stuntdubl - SEO Consultant. Why are you always retrofitting and re-optimizing? Your CEO (or other decision maker) didn’t ask the right questions. You need to know how to build and promote a website from the ground up to be successful. Picture your perfect web presence. Visualize web 2.0 Zen. There’s a big difference between an “ideal website” built in a vacuum with an unlimited budget and no competition versus retrofitting, optimizing, and improving and existing website. 1.

Resources: Tools: Who should we host with that will be reliable? How to Run a Meeting Like Google. Meetings get a bad rap in business today and for good reason—very little gets accomplished in them. I can recall a Dilbert cartoon in which several people sat around a table while the meeting organizer said, "There is no specific agenda for this meeting. As usual, we'll just make unrelated emotional statements about things which bother us…" That pretty much sums it up. The majority of meetings are unstructured, uninspiring, and unproductive. But they don't have to be that way. When I decided to write a column about running effective meetings, I turned to a leader who holds more than anyone I know and who actually credits her meeting structure for leading to some of the most innovative advances in technology today: Marissa Mayer, Google's vice-president of search products (see, 6/19/06, "Marissa Mayer: The Talent Scout"). 1.

Mayer requests a meeting agenda ahead of time that outlines what the participants want to discuss and the best way of using the allotted time. 2. 3.